collingwood parent portal

by Sylvia Kozey 4 min read

What grades does Collingwood School accept?

Thank you for considering Collingwood School for your education. Our main intake grades are Junior Kindergarten (JK), Kindergarten (K), Grade 3, and Grade 8. We accept applications for all other grades; however, space is limited. Please note that our application deadline for the 2022-2023 academic school year was December 1, 2021.

Why do I have to log into Collingwood to login?

By logging in you are accepting cookies that will be installed on your computer. Collingwood reserves the right to monitor and / or record the use, by any person, of Collingwood's networks and / or systems. Edulink One is Collingwood's current means of communication with parents.

What is Parents’ Council?

At Collingwood, Parents’ Council is a group of volunteer parents and guardians whose primary focus is community engagement. This is achieved by offering a wide range of activities and events which are designed to connect our parents, and strengthen our school community. Our secondary aim is supplementary fundraising for Advancement of our School.

What is the Genesis parent/student portal tool?

The Genesis Parent/Student Portal tool is a safe, secure way to view your child’s school record for the current school year. Parents of students in grades 6-12 have access to the following information:


What is the 2021 Lunar New Year?

Let's celebrate the Year of the Ox! The 2021 Virtual Lunar New Year celebration is open to all Collingwood families and will feature Chinese traditional culture, foods and music. Every participant will have a chance to win prizes through interactive games.

How do Buddy Families connect with their new family?

Buddy Families are asked to connect with their New Family by email or phone, and perhaps meet for a coffee or a small get together over the summer (play at the beach, etc), so that new students may have an opportunity to meet a child in their grade prior to the first day of school.

What is the Collingwood School Gala?

The Collingwood School Gala is presented by the Parents’ Council in support of Collingwood School. Every other year, parents are invited to enjoy an incredible evening filled with live & silent auctions, entertainment, dancing, delicious food and a few fun surprises. In 2019 we had a fabulous 1984-themed gala which was a huge success.

What is a tea and talk in Wentworth?

Parents' Council is excited to introduce Class Tea & Talks for our Wentworth parents! These informal events will be hosted by a parent from each class/grade (JK-7) to help generate friendships and community within the classroom. Tea & Talks will typically be hosted at a parent home at the beginning of each term, lasting approximately 1.5-2 hours, at any suitable time of day. This is a great opportunity to build and strengthen relationships between parents in your class! Please note tea & talks will adhere to limitations for gatherings during the current pandemic.

What is an English corner?

English corner provides opportunities to practice English (at any level) and to help others to improve their English and learn about Canadian Culture. New participants and volunteers are always welcome!

What is the meaning of the Persian New Year?

Every year, millions of people worldwide celebrate Persian New Year, or Norooz. Norooz marks the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one, and it occurs on the day of the vernal equinox. More accurately, the new year begins the second the equinox does — so, not just at the stroke of midnight. Usually, the equinox happens from March 19 to 21. People start getting ready for Norooz about three weeks before the actual date. The centrepiece of the festivities turn on the “Haftseen,” or a collection of items that symbolize a different hope for the new year. The following provides a great synopsis of the Haftseen, including its meaning and influences: Visit here.

What is a bunco?

Bunco is a long-loved social dice game presenting a simple set of rules, no skill required and 100% luck! Bunco nights will be self-organized (with some guidance), hosted in a parent's home, throughout the school year. This dice game is played in rounds, at tables of four in competing teams of two.

Vaccine Clinic February 28, 2022

Dear Collingswood and Oaklyn School Communities, To ensure that students, families, staff, and community members are protected against COVID-19 as school is underway, the Collingswood Borough,...

Strategic Planning

Please join us for Strategic Planning! Each session is listed in our Events section. Please click on meeting link at appropriate time for your group! For more information Click on "Strategic...
