columbia county schools ga parent portal

by Prof. Jocelyn Abernathy 9 min read

How do I set up a Parent Portal account?

All parents in the Columbia County School District must have a Parent Portal account. If you already have Parent Portal access, login here: Parent Portal Login. To create a new Parent Portal account please view the video instructions below. Then, Click Here to set up your username and password.

How do I register for school in Columbia County School District?

Welcome to the Columbia County School District! Registration for new students is conducted entirely online. This includes the ability to upload required documentation like birth certificates, proofs of residency, etc. For the best user experience, please be prepared with all of the proper documentation before beginning the registration process.

How do I verify my email address in the parent portal?

Once you login to parent portal click on the person icon in the upper right corner. Select Settings, then Account settings. Verify the email on Account Security Email. This is your contact email on file at the school.

How do I reset the password for the parent portal?

Once you login to parent portal click on the person icon in the upper right corner. Select Settings, then Account settings. Verify the email on Account Security Email. This is your contact email on file at the school. Password reset information for parent portal will be sent to this email as well.


Who is the assistant superintendent of Columbia County School District?

Congratulations to Dr. Kellye Bosch and Steven Cummings for being recently approved as Assistant Superintendents for the Columbia County School District.

Is Columbia County School District an incentive?

The Columbia County School District is excited to announce an exclusive incentive to all benefits eligible new hires.

Is Georgia Power a valued partner?

Georgia Power is a valued Partner in Education!

What are the assessments for Columbia County?

In Columbia County, assessments are administered throughout the elementary years to guide instruction. Beginning in kindergarten, children are assessed in a number of areas using GKIDS. Information is collected throughout the year to give teachers and parents an idea of strengths and weaknesses for individual students. Students in 2nd grade will take the CogAT. This assessment serves as a universal screener to assist teachers with the identification and characteristics of gifted learners. Teachers are also able to use this information to determine both verbal and non-verbal strengths that can be used when differentiating instruction in the classroom. Students in grades 3-5 will be administered the GMAS End-of Grade assessments to inform stakeholders of progress and most importantly, to help educators make sound instructional decisions for the upcoming year. Students in 3rd and 4th grade are assessed in language arts (reading, writing, and grammar skills) and mathematics. Students in 5th grade are also assessed in the area of science.

What is SEM in education?

SEM focuses on enrichment for all students through high levels of engagement and the use of enjoyable and challenging learning experiences that are created around students' interests, learning styles, and preferred styles of expression.

What are the core areas of instruction in Georgia?

Elementary students receive instruction using the Georgia Standards of Excellence in four core areas: language arts, math, science, and social studies. Additionally, students receive enrichment opportunities in art, music, and physical education. Instruction is designed to meet the needs of all students all of the time.

Why do schools invite community members into the schools?

Schools invite community members into the schools to explain how these interests and skills are integrated to career opportunities. Students are given the opportunity to share what they have learned in enrichment cluster fairs. We are excited to transform the learning experiences for students in all of our elementary schools through the implementation of SEM!

Why is instruction important in a classroom?

Instruction is designed to meet the needs of all students all of the time. Teachers work hard to enrich the curriculum for students who are ready to move forward while allowing extra practice for those who may struggle with a particular concept. In all classrooms, students are given opportunities to be in control of their learning by stressing the importance of responsibility. We believe that when students are in charge of learning, they work hard to be successful.

How to prepare documents for uploading?

To prepare documents for uploading, save files and images of documents to your device as a PDF or a JPEG. If you don't have access to a computer, please contact your child's zoned school to arrange a time to go to the school to register.

When is the first day of school for 2021?

New student registration begins April 20, 2021, and must be completed with all required documentation before the first day of school, August 5, 2021.

Is registration for a new student online?

Registration for new students is conducted entirely online. This includes the ability to upload required documentation like birth certificates, proofs of residency, etc.
