commerce elementary parent portal

by Evangeline Lowe 7 min read

What is welcome to Commerce Elementary School?

Contact Us Welcome to Commerce Elementary The mission of Commerce Elementary School, with staff, parents and community working together, is to provide an educational foundation for all students in a safe and caring academic environment. Learn More About walled lake schools

What is the address for the school in Commerce Township?

School Info Address: 520 Farr Street Commerce Township, MI 48382 Phone: Main Line: 248-956-3900 Fax Line: 248-956-3905 Attendance: 248-956-3990 School Times: Drop off: 8:50 AM Start: 8:55 AM Dismissal: 4 PM Departure: 4:07 PM 1/2 Day Departure: 12:25 PM Spotlights

When is the Commerce Public Schools Board of education special meeting?

The Commerce Public Schools Board of Education has scheduled a Special Meeting to be held Monday, December 20, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., at the Board of Education Building, 217 Commerce Street, Commerce,... Commerce Public Schools has developed our ESSER-III Use of Funds plan and is asking for stakeholder input.

Is there a TikTok challenge in commerce public schools?

Please read the attached letter for important information on a current TikTok Challenge and Social Media awareness. The Commerce Public Schools Board of Education has scheduled a Special Meeting to be held Monday, December 20, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., at the Board of Education Building, 217 Commerce Street, Commerce,...



Please read the attached letter for important information regarding the approaching winter storm.


Congratulations to 15 of our Commerce teachers who were funded on @DonorsChoose this month! Thanks to @OKSDE and our teachers' innovative ideas, $13,899 in classroom materials are on their way to our schools right now. A BIG THANK YOU for going over and above for our students!

Winter Storm

Please read the attached letter for important information regarding the approaching winter storm.

Special Board Meeting Announcement

The Commerce Public Schools Board of Education has scheduled a Special Meeting to be heldMonday, December 20, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., at the Board of Education Building, 217 CommerceStreet, Commerce,...

ARP-ESSER III Use of Funds

Commerce Public Schools has developed our ESSER-III Use of Funds plan and is asking for stakeholder input. We are seeking public comment and feedback to consider in finalization of this year's...
