commodore perry parent portal

by Miss Nadia Ruecker Sr. 6 min read

What is the mission of the Commodore Perry School District?

Mission Statement The mission of the Commodore Perry School District is to provide every student with a unique education that is inspiring, engaging, rigorous, and relevant in a culture of high expectations, excellence, and respect for all, supported by and in partnership with the community. Each CP Learner…

What is Perry local school district's phone number?

Perry Local School District Embracing Tradition. Creating the Future. Creating the Future. 2770 E Breese Road, Lima, OH 45806 Phone: (419) 221-2770 Fax: (419) 224-6215 High School (419) 221-2773 Elementary (419) 221-2771

Who is eligible to join Commodore Perry?

Anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in Ottawa County is eligible to join Commodore Perry. Apply online and become a member-owner today!

Why does Commodore Perry need a needs assessment?

As part of our Title I School-wide Program, Commodore Perry Elementary School must complete a comprehensive needs assessment to help guide us in developing our school-wide plan. The results of the survey will not only identify needs for our building but will assist in plotting the course for the next school year.


What is the American Rescue Plan?

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act requires each local education agency (LEA) that receives funding under the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund to develop and make publicly available on its website a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan, referred to as a Health and Safety Plan. A draft of the Commodore Perry Health and Safety Plan was reviewed by the Board of Directors on June 22, 2021, and will be approved at a Special Board meeting on July 7, 2021, at 6:00 PM . The public is welcome to share comments at the Board meeting prior to its final approval at 6:00 on July 7, 2021 . Click on the link to review the plan.

What is the mission of Commodore Perry School District?

Mission Statement The mission of the Commodore Perry School District is to provide every student with a unique education that is inspiring, engaging, rigorous, and relevant in a culture of high expectations, excellence, and respect for all, supported by and in partnership with the community.

When is the Commodore Perry Health and Safety Plan approved?

A draft of the Commodore Perry Health and Safety Plan was reviewed by the Board of Directors on June 22, 2021, and will be approved at a Special Board meeting on July 7, 2021, at 6:00 PM . The public is welcome to share comments at the Board meeting prior to its final approval at 6:00 on July 7, 2021 . Click on the link to review the plan.

Open Enrollment Dates for 2022-2023

Open enrollment dates for the 2022-2023 school year have been released. Find out more here:

Important Covid-19 Update

The Ohio Department of Health recently issued a memo to local health departments and school superintendents on new requirements.

Elementary to Host Parent-Teacher Conferences

Elementary parents and guardians are asked to call the elementary office to schedule your students conference. Find out all the details here:
