commonwealth connections academy parent portal

by Janiya Predovic 6 min read

Why choose Commonwealth Charter Academy?

Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) is a top accredited K-12 public cyber charter school that provides personalized, tuition-free education to all Pennsylvania students. At CCA, we meet you where you are, no matter if you’re in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or somewhere else in Pennsylvania.

What is Connections Academy?

Connections Academy is a tuition-free online public school for grades K–12. In this virtual classroom, students can spend the school year reaching their highest potential through a uniquely individualized learning program. Most Connections Academy-supported schools are accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies.

What was the average SAT score for Commonwealth Connections Academy?

The College Board reported that statewide scores were: 494 in reading, 504 in math and 482 in writing. The nationwide SAT results were the same as in 2012. In 2012, 116 Commonwealth Connections Academy Charter School students took the SAT exams. The District's Verbal Average Score was 512. The Math average score was 462.

How do I get technical assistance with my Child's School portal?

For technical assistance, contact the Campus Liaison at your child's school during school hours. You may also email, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours of 6:00 AM-5:00 PM PST.

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What is CCA in Pennsylvania?

For parents in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the rest of Pennsylvania, CCA is the leading choice for their children’s cyber school needs. Elementary school: CCA’s elementary school serves students in K-5. The elementary school curriculum is largely in print and supplemented by virtual content.

What is a CCA?

Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) is a top accredited public cyber charter school that provides personalized educational programs and services to students in grades K through 12 at no cost to families .

What is a CCA school?

Tuition-free cyber charter school. Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) is a top accredited K-12 public cyber charter school that provides personalized, tuition-free education to all Pennsylvania students. At CCA, we meet you where you are, no matter if you’re in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or somewhere else in Pennsylvania.

What grades does CCA serve?

Middle school: CCA serves middle school students in grades 6-8 . As cyber school students transition to CCA’s middle school, the responsibilities of the learning coaches evolve into a more supportive role. They still provide some oversight of the child’s activities and maintain regular communication with teachers.

What do high school students do after graduation?

High school students continue to work with learning coaches and counselors to develop a personalized plan to help them meet their goals after graduation. Students use CCA’s technology to participate in a live, virtual classroom environment where they interact with their peers and teachers more independently.

What is learning management system in middle school?

The learning management system allows teachers to provide support and communicate with online education students.

What are the core subjects in high school?

Math, science, English and social studies continue to form the core curriculum. However, high school students are offered a wide variety of courses, electives, activities and conservatory opportunities, allowing them to explore many career options.

What is Commonwealth Connections Academy Charter School?

Commonwealth Connections Academy Charter School offers students a variety of clubs and activities. Eligibility to participate are determined by the Board's policies. The School also provides social activities for pupils throughout the school year.

What is a charter school in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, charter schools are a public school alternative the local public schools. Students may seek admission to a local charter school or a cyber charter school.

When did the 11th grade test change to Keystone?

Eleventh grade Pennsylvania System of School Assessments are No Child Left Behind Act related examinations which were administered from 2003 through 2012. In 2013, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania changed its high school assessments to the Keystone Exams in Algebra 1, Reading/literature and Biology1.

Where is Commonwealth Charter Academy located?

The Academy's headquarters is located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

When did the 8th grade start?

The testing of 8th grade in reading and mathematics began in 1999. Testing in science began in 2007. The goal is for 100% of students to be on grade level or better in reading and mathematics, by the Spring of 2014. The tests focus on the state's Academic Standards for reading, writing, mathematics and science.
