compass parent portal balwyn high

by Will Cremin 4 min read

What do I do if I cannot log into the parent portal?

If you are struggling with logging into the Parent Portal, please contact your school to ensure you are using the correct data. If the information does match, make sure you have activated your account, the activation is sent to you by email. If you are already logged into the Parent Portal, please use the Chat Box in the bottom right for support.

How do I access the eSchool Parent Portal?

The eSchool Parent Portal is available to parents of students in grades K-12. The URL is Parents/Guardians are auto-enrolled for a parent portal account at the time of registration or are enrolled at the building of enrollment. Parents/Guardians seeking access to the parent portal should reach out to the building of enrollment.

How do parents/guardians get access to the parent portal?

Parents/Guardians are auto-enrolled for a parent portal account at the time of registration or are enrolled at the building of enrollment. Parents/Guardians seeking access to the parent portal should reach out to the building of enrollment. See below for parent portal support phone numbers.


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What is the phone number for Baldwin Middle School?

Parents of Baldwin Middle School Students: call the guidance office at 516.434.6233. Parents of Baldwin High School Students: call the guidance office at 516.434.6135. Be sure to watch the tutorial above to learn how to register with the eSchool Parent Portal.

Is eSchool Parent Portal compatible with Firefox?

The eSchool Parent Portal is NOT compatible with Mozilla and Firefox. Parents will receive an error message when attempting to access the eSchool Parent Portal. Internet Explorer and Chrome work best. Please be sure to read the Account Registration and Directions before registering for an account.

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How much is CSEF per student?

The annual CSEF amount per primary student is $125.

What is CSEF in school?

CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

What are the hours of Balwyn Primary School?

A variety of both indoor and outdoor activities is offered to cater for children’s individual needs and interests. Facilities are also available for children to complete homework assignments. Outside School Hours Care welcomes children from 7.00 am – 8.45 am and 3.30 pm – 6.30pm. Please register your child online.

How long does a child have to be on antibiotics for tonsillitis?

Streptococcal infection (inc. scarlet fever) e.g. tonsillitis – Until the child has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours and the child feels well. Trachoma – Re-admit the day after appropriate treatment has commenced.

How long does it take for a diarrhoea to recover?

Diphtheria – Until medical certificate of recovery is received following at least two negative throat swabs, the first not less than 24 hours after finishing a course of antibiotics and the other 48 hours later.

Where is Bob Stewart?

Bob Stewart of Kew, 203-207 High Street, Kew, 3101 (Phone 9853 8429, Fax: 9853 0432, Email: Open: Monday to Thursday (8am -6pm), Friday (8am-7pm), Saturday (8am-5pm) We do suggest that you take your child down to the store to utilise their change rooms and try on garments. Uniform Price List Bob Stewart.

Who wrote the parenting ideas?

Parenting Ideas is written by Michael Grose, the author of 8 parenting books who has an education background, he holds a Master of Educational Studies with research into what makes healthy families tick. He has conducted over 1,500 parenting seminars over the last two decades. Click for “Michael Grose Blog”.

What is compass high school?

Compass High School is founded on the beliefs that learning can take place anywhere, not just in a formal Tucson high school class setting. High school credit is earned in many unconventional ways, such as independent studies, class travels, and internships.

How many days a week does Compass High School meet?

Board meeting notices are posted 24 hours in advance of the meeting on the front office window, which is visible to the public 24 hours per day, 7 days a week & on this website.
