They can also communicate with you by mail, so encourage them to do so. Villagers receive their mail at a specified time each day.
Most villagers will be so busy, they may find it hard to drop their family a letter. If that proves to be the case for your child, you will be able to learn about your villager’s experience by checking our website for Language Village updates describing their experience.
You may designate several people. While your villager is in session, you may update the information by emailing ( or calling (800) 222- VILLAGE EXPERIENCE 19 4750, and option 2 for the transportation department. For villagers who take air transportation, we release them to the custody of the airline.
Concordia Language Villages promotes individual responsibility for the world and its people by intentionally creating a supportive environment for people of all creeds, classes, gender identities, sexual orientation and nationalities.
Lujaynespecially enjoys leading the Village in song, teaching yoga on the beach, dancing to cabin cheers before breakfast, teaching Arabic in each mughamara (adventure), learning words in different dialects from fellow staff members, and helping villagers make cultural connections in such a dynamic environment.
T-shirts are priced at $5 to $20, sweatshirts at $30 to $65, and $10-$15 per week for snacks is sufficient. TRAVEL FEES: Baggage fees for the return trip as well as Unaccompanied Minor fees (if not prepaid).
The ACA standards address personnel, administration, program development, facilities, health and safety, and transportation. Each facility is subject to annual inspection by the Minnesota Department of Health Facilities are in compliance with State Fire Marshal directives.
Villag- ers are encouraged to bring items with them that will enhance the immersion experience, such as books in the target language. Clothing with inappropriate or offensive language or designs cannot be worn in the program. Your villager can wear clothing with non-offensive English words.
Because our check-in procedures are done as a group, flights will not be changed at the airport and villagers will not be allowed to fly in or out on “standby.”. Standby status for villager flights can be very stressful for the child and the chances for missing our charter transportation are heightened.