conference tab missing on genesis parent portal bms

by Florine O'Conner 4 min read

What is the document screen?

The Documents screen lists documents that the school or district has linked to your student’s record. You can view these and maybe asked to acknowledge that you have read one of them:

What does "absent" mean in a grade?

Absent – Your child was absent on the date the assignment was due. This means your child has a chance to make up the work: The assignment is not counted until the teacher changes the grade to a regular grade or to Missing or Incomplete. When a grade of Absent is changed to another grade, “Absent” appears in the column. Something that “was previously Absent” was turned in after your child returned to school following an absence.

What is the Fees and Fines tab?

The Fees and Fines tab will allow you to see if your child has any fines posted to their name. This will generally occur with lost library books and/or textbooks in which a child might be charged.

What is the tab in Genesis?

The tab brings up Report Cards from previous years that your child’s school has made visible through Genesis. Report Cards will not be available for years before your District began using Genesis:

What to do if you are missing a student on your school login?

This drop down contains the names of all the students linked to your login. If you are missing a student, please contact your school or district office. Your district may require you to submit a separate permission slip for each student.

What is the first screen on Genesis?

When you login to Genesis Web Access the first screen you see is your student’s Student Data Summary. This is the student’s Dashboard screen. You will see a ‘dashboard’ for every student linked to your login. All your students will be on one screen.

How many pages can a contact report be?

Each student listed will have a PDF icon next to their name which can be clicked for that student’s Contacts report. The reports can be multiple pages. Make sure you scroll down to see all of a student’s Contact information.