A - The Student and Parent Portal is a website where students and parents can gain access to see important school information. Reports, timetables and school news and articles can be viewed here. Also when parent/teahcer interveiws are available they can also book their appointments on this website.
Buses servicing Conley Elementary run from the Cox Compound (850.922-6727) and from the Conner Compound (850.922-6701). Leon County Schools would like every student to have health insurance. For more information about affordable health insurance for newborns through age 18, visit www.healthykids.org or call 1-888-540-5437.
To register, you will have been provided with registration details and a access key. If you do not have this information, please email the school on canleyvale-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au requesting your access key code.
Order Your Yearbook Today! You can print and complete the order form. Conley WeatherSTEM is an online platform that connects weather stations placed in schools around the district in order to compile all of the data the stations are collecting.
Conley WeatherSTEM is an online platform that connects weather stations placed in schools around the district in order to compile all of the data the stations are collecting. There are two separate devices on our campus, a cloud camera that records the cloud movement over our campus, and weather instruments that track things like temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed, heat index, etc. There is a curriculum component with lesson plans that teachers can use to teach students all sorts of science, computer programming, and other STEM topics at all grade levels. However, anyone can visit our Conley WeatherSTEM page to access the latest data!
In an effort to strengthen the partnership between school and home, Leon County Schools have prepared a Read-at-Home Plan to support early literacy. This plan will provide you with activities and a list of online resources you can use with your child. Please click here for more information.
Go to Student Registration to complete and submit your Infinite Campus Online Registration enrollment application. Once your enrollment application is completed, email your confirmation number and the enrolling student (s) name to Lajuana Ison for processing, the Data Clerk at Conley Hills isonl@fultonschools.org .
1. Parent emails school data clerk isonl@fultonschools.org to request student withdrawal. School replies to email with Request for withdrawal form Withdrawal Request form , or request signature on withdrawal request form from in the Parent Portal.
This is a composite list of who to contact for your immediate needs at Conley Hills Elementary School. Your first line of support is always the classroom teacher. If your teacher is unable to provide support, please use the list below to identify the team member who can best meet your needs.
In this week's episode, Superintendent Mike Looney speaks with FCS Chief Academic Officer Cliff Jones and Deputy Chief Gyimah Whitaker about State Testing in Fulton County Schools.
Nine FCS seniors have been selected for the Posse Scholarship which identifies, recruits and trains individuals who have extraordinary leadership potential....
Fulton County Schools provides regular board meeting reports and news updates to our community to help keep our families informed of the important issues that impact our district.