cottages of boone parent portal

by Nannie Gleason I 7 min read

Why choose the cottages of Boone?

Welcome to The Cottage life. The Cottages of Boone is conveniently located close to the Appalachian State University campus. We set the standard in upscale student living. Our 1, 3, 4, or 5 bedroom cottages are uniquely designed to provide you with the comfort and privacy you deserve.

Why choose upscale student living in Boone?

We set the standard in upscale student living. Our 1, 3, 4, or 5 bedroom cottages are uniquely designed to provide you with the comfort and privacy you deserve. Plus our beautiful surroundings in the hills of Boone enhance invokes a sense of resort-style living that you won't find anywhere else in the Boone area.

How do I contact the cottages of Boone community manager?

Hello "Resident", According to our records, you are not a past or current resident of The Cottages of Boone, therefore we are unsure what your review is based off of. If you wish to contact of Community Manager Please call 828.865.1800 and we will be more than happy to address your concerns This place us terrible.

How much does it cost to rent an apartment in Boone?

Cottages of Boone is an apartment in Boone in zip code 28607. This community has a 1 - 5 bedroom, 1 - 5 bathroom, and is for rent for $569 - $955. Nearby cities include Blowing Rock, Clemmons, West Jefferson, Mountain City, and Jefferson.


Ratings & Reviews

Reviews with the Verified Badge are from residents surveyed directly from the community, ensuring reviews are from real residents!


WARNING to Parents and Students of the Cottages The Cottages of Boone's is billing us for work that was never performed and to make matter worse, they have turned it over to a collection agency that is harassing us for payment. We've spent over $25,000…See More >

Features & Amenities

Disclaimer: Features and Amenities data have been collected from Internet users and may not be a reliable indicator of current or comprehensive features and amenities offered.


The Cottages of Boone offers apartments near App State. The Cottages of Boone sets the standard in upscale student living. Uniquely designed to enhance its surroundings from the architectural detailing to its beautifully landscaped grounds,…
