covina valley unified school district parent portal

by Makenzie Toy 10 min read

What is the online registration for Covina-Valley Unified School District?

Welcome to the Online Registration for Covina-Valley Unified School District! The Online Registration allows you to quickly start the process of registering a new student to Covina-Valley USD for school. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected.

When does Covina-Valley Unified School District conducts annual Board of Education Reorganization?

Click Here for a Video Update From our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Elizabeth Eminhizer Covina-Valley Unified School District Conducts Annual Board of Education Reorganization Free downloads are now available until January 31, 2022 for all TK-12 students in CA!

Where can I find more information on registration and enrollment in C-VUSD?

For more information on registration and enrollment in C-VUSD schools, please click on the "Learn More" button. Search... Click Here for a Video Update From our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Elizabeth Eminhizer Covina-Valley Unified School District Conducts Annual Board of Education Reorganization

Who is the superintendent of Covina-Valley Unified School District?

Click Here for a Video Update From our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Elizabeth Eminhizer Covina-Valley Unified School District Conducts Annual Board of Education Reorganization


How to contact Elsa Morales?

Please contact Elsa Morales in our Special Education Department at or at (626) 974-7100 ext 800091.

Is Mesa Elementary School at capacity?

Currently, Mesa Elementary School is approaching capacity or is at capacity in all grade levels. If you select Mesa as your first choice, it is highly recommended that you select a second-choice school.

What time does the kids korner open?

Kids' Korner Programs are offered at the following schools and are open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at most schools, excluding school hours. Barranca, Mesa and Rowland offer extended hours from 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information, call the Kids' Korner site your child/children will attend. Phone numbers are listed below.

What are the features of a child care program?

Other program features include: Outdoor play - When weather permits students take part in supervised individual and group games, or free-play on the playground, fields, etc. Indoor activities - Board games, structured activities and special programs such as guest performers, support classroom learning and make the childcare experience fun for all. ...

What is Aeries?

Aeries is a tool for you to stay informed and engaged in your child’s education. The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to:

What is Blackboard Connect?

The Blackboard Connect portal allows you to add or modify the ways in which you want Coachella Valley Unified School District and schools to reach you. You will able to add or delete phone numbers and email addresses, add text messaging, and even turn off certain types of notifications.

Wellness at CVUSD

Meals, foods and beverages sold or served at schools meet state and federal requirements based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. All meals, foods and beverages are prepared and served by qualified child nutrition professionals.
