covington middle school parent portal

by Dwight Luettgen 7 min read

What is Covington City public schools'internet access?

INTERNET ACCESS: Covington City Public Schools' offers Internet access to all students and if needed, students can take advantage of our free chromebook WiFi , Internet service outside at each school location.

How do I contact the Covington County Board of Education?

Inquiries of complaints regarding compliance with federal regulations on 504, Title I, Title II, and Title IX may be directed to Chris Thomasson, Federal Programs Coordinator (, Kelly McCollough, 504 Coordinator, Covington County Board of Education, 807 C.C. Baker Avenue, Andalusia, AL. 36421, (334) 222-7571 Search

Where are the public schools in Covington VA?

Covington City Public Schools Covington High School Edgemont Primary School Jeter-Watson Intermediate School Language View Original Spanish Cantonese French German Italian Tagalog Vietnamese Korean Russian Hindi Login Guest Covington City Public Schools 340 East Walnut Street, Covington, Virginia 24426 | Phone 540-965-1400| Fax 540-965-1404

What is the history of Covington?

Covington Middle School and Fine Arts Academy, built in 1986, was named after Weldon and Verna Covington, who were master teachers in music.


What schools are in CCPS?

CCPS consists of Edgemont Primary School, Jeter-Watson Intermediate School, and Covington High School. The Faculty and Staff at each school welcomes all students, parents, and community stakeholders so that everyone partners together for success.

What is CCPS committed to?

CCPS is committed to “shaping the future” by ensuring that each student is a valued individual with unique characteristics and needs, who can learn when actively engaged in a positive environment of mutual respect, where student learning is the priority.
