cpd parent portal

by Ms. Maeve Skiles Sr. 7 min read

What is the difference between gocps and student and Parent Portal?

Student and Parent Portals provide access to students’ grades, assignments, and attendance, among other new features, such as the ability to view and pay fees online. GoCPS is the online platform that allows families to apply to nearly every CPS school and program using one site, one application, and one deadline.

What can I do with the CCPS Parent Portal?

This page serves as a resource for parents to obtain information and find solutions to common concerns. Check grades and get class info through the IC portal. Learn more about the services available to CCPS students.

Can I access the parent portal with my CPL card?

Alternatively, you can use your valid Chicago Public Library (CPL) card at any branch to access the Parent Portal. Elementary cumulative cards and high school transcripts are not available on the Parent Portal.

How do I Register my child through the parent portal?

Each student should receive a parent portal letter (either sent home in a school folder or mailed home). The letter contains a unique parent portal ID for their child along with specific directions for registering.


How do you make a parent portal in Aspen?

How do I create a parent/family portal account in Aspen?1 Start by clicking the link on the login page to create a new account.2 Click.3 Click Next Step.4 Enter the Security Code that you received from your child's school.5 Enter your last name and click Next Step.More items...•

How do I log into Aspen CPS?

The new Student Portal URL is aspen.cps.edu and you will use your CPS username and password. If you want a look at Aspen, feel free to logon and try it!

How do I check my grades on Aspen?

To access grade information:Log on to Aspen Mobile using your phone or tablet.Tap Grade s. A list of your student's classes appears.Note: If you have more than one Aspen student, you can select their name from the drop-down at the top of the screen. Notes: This list displays classes for the current year and term.

How do I find my Aspen login ID?

Aspen is a secure, web-based student and staff management system. preset password. How do I find my students 6-digit LASID ID? Your student's ID can be found on a report card or contact your school's main office.

How do I create a Aspen account?

1. Use any internet browser and go to the division website, yorkcountyschools.org, or the school's website, and click on the Aspen Family Portal link. 2. Click the “Request an Account” link on the login screen.

What is Aspen URL?

https://ma-bedford.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do. Attendance & Grade Notifications.

What is a 70 percent grade?

C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.

What letter is 60%?

CLetter GradePercentage RangeMid-RangeB70% to 74%72.5%C+65% to 69%67.5%C60% to 64%62.5%D+55% to 59%57.5%6 more rows

What is a 75 percent letter grade?

PercentLetter Grade80 - 82B-77 - 79C+73 - 76C70 - 72C-8 more rows

Why can't I log into Aspen?

To protect your account from someone attempting access by trying random passwords, when the wrong password is entered 5 times, your account will be disabled. Should you get locked out, you can unlock the account by successfully completing the “Forgot my password” wizard on the main login page.

What does invalid login mean Aspen?

Invalid login errors usually mean that either the username or password you are trying to log in with are incorrect. This can also happen if the password does not meet password requirements (at least 8 characters, both upper and lower case and at least 1 digit).

How do I change my Aspen CPS password?

When logged into Aspen, click on your name in the upper right corner and then click on Set Preferences which will appear below your name. Enter your primary and alternate email address if you would like to change or add them. Click on the Change link next to the word Password to change your password.

Welcome to Aspen

The Aspen student information management system consolidates information from five data sources into a single system. Student and Parent Portals provide access to students’ grades, assignments, and attendance, among other new features, such as the ability to view and pay fees online.

Aspen Portal Access

Students and their parents/guardians have different credentials for Aspen. These resources will explain how to register for a new account, access and navigate the portal, set notifications, and customize your experience.

Aspen Tips

The amount of information entered into the Gradebook may vary from school to school and teacher to teacher.

What is the phone number for the OSP?

773-535-4400. OSP will work with you to hear your report, investigate, and create safety measures at school. OSP can also provide guidance on reporting to the police, or getting other supports such as counseling. Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

Can parents request login credentials from their school counselor?

Parents can request login credentials from their school counselor and use the same link as students to access the login page. Student Login. The Aspen student information management system consolidates information from five data sources into a single system.
