cpet parent portal

by Ernestina Turner 3 min read

How do I access the P-EBT Parent Portal?

The P-EBT Parent Portal allows parents to view and receive information about their child’s P-EBT benefits. First, you will need to create an account within the CAFE Self Service Portal. You can view detailed instructions on how to do so here. Now that you've created a CAFÉ account, you can navigate to the P-EBT Portal within CAFÉ.

What does CPET stand for?

Cost Planning & Execution Tool (cPET) The DCARC’s CSDR Planning & Execution Tool (cPet) software provides automated FlexFile and Quantity data reports and also legacy reports including the 1921, 1921-1, 1921-2, and 1921-5 cost report validation as well as assisted CSDR plan creation.

How can I get involved and support UF CPET?

Check out our various summer residential & day programs for high school students on the UF Campus. Become a mentor, develop and teach a lesson, or volunteer. There are many ways to get involved and support UF CPET!

What is dcarc CSDR planning&execution tool (CPET)?

The DCARC’s CSDR Planning & Execution Tool (cPet) software provides automated FlexFile and Quantity data reports and also legacy reports including the 1921, 1921-1, 1921-2, and 1921-5 cost report validation as well as assisted CSDR plan creation. Ability to create and edit your FlexFile and Quantity Data report templates in Excel or JSON format


Programs for HS Students

Check out our various summer residential & day programs for high school students on the UF Campus.

Get Involved

Become a mentor, develop and teach a lesson, or volunteer. There are many ways to get involved and support UF CPET!

Teacher Programs

Professional development workshops, research experiences, and classroom resources.
