cpp parent portal

by Rasheed Greenholt 6 min read

What is the difference between gocps and student and Parent Portal?

Student and Parent Portals provide access to students’ grades, assignments, and attendance, among other new features, such as the ability to view and pay fees online. GoCPS is the online platform that allows families to apply to nearly every CPS school and program using one site, one application, and one deadline.

How do I access the child care provider portal (CCPP)?

Please follow the instructions below to obtain access to the Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP). You must have a DWD/Wisconsin Login and password. If you have not yet created a DWD/Wisconsin Login, you will need to do so now.

Who can view information on CCPP?

Only staff with a User ID and security access to CCPP should be viewing information on CCPP. Each staff member authorized to use CCPP should have his/her own User ID. Registered users should not share a User ID/Password with anyone.

What are the system requirements for the parent portal?

The Parent Portal also supports Konqueror on the Linux platform. * Minimum Windows requirements: 486/66-MHx processor; Windows 98; 16 MB RAM; 12 MB of free hard drive space. Mac OS 9 operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.17, Firefox, or Safari; or Mac OS X operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.2 or greater, Firefox, or Safari.


PowerSchool App for Parents

PowerSchool is now portable! The PowerSchool for Parents app is available for download on Google Play for Android devices as well as from the App Store for the iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®*.

Getting Started

You must create your account first on a PC or MAC with an access code given to you by the school

Welcome to the Bronco Family

Family members and supporters play a critical role in student success at Cal Poly Pomona, and we want to make sure you have the information you need to support your student. The Bronco Family Virtual Orientation Experience provides a comprehensive introduction to CPP resources, programs and support services.

Spring 2022

Spring 2022 Orientation will be conducted virtually for the continued health and wellbeing of our Bronco Family.

Bronco Family Virtual Orientation Experience Reservations

Did you know that you can participate in a Bronco Family Virtual Orientation for no additional fee?

The New Aspen Parent Portal

Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

Parent Portal Minimum Computer Requirements

Windows operating system*, such as XP or Vista; and Internet Explorer versions 6 or 7 or recent releases of Firefox or Safari.

Video Resources

PLEASE NOTE: The Aspen Parent Portal account creation process has been simplified! The second email has been removed. Once you click "Create my Account," go ahead and log directly on to the Parent Portal.

What is the phone number for the OSP?

773-535-4400. OSP will work with you to hear your report, investigate, and create safety measures at school. OSP can also provide guidance on reporting to the police, or getting other supports such as counseling. Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

Can parents request login credentials from their school counselor?

Parents can request login credentials from their school counselor and use the same link as students to access the login page. Student Login. The Aspen student information management system consolidates information from five data sources into a single system.
