cpp parent portal high school

by Noemie Marks 3 min read

Where is Corning-Painted Post area school district located?

Parent /Student Portal Access Records and Transcript Requests Report Bullying Transportation Water Sample Results SCHOOLPOINTE CMS LOGIN Sign in with SchoolPointe New Teacher Webpages User FacebookInstagramYouTubeFacebookTwitterADA Link Corning-Painted Post Area School District | 165 Charles St, Painted Post, NY 14870

How do I get Started with CPP?

Get started with important CPP resources, including Orientation Services, the academic calendar and campus news. Become familiar with campus policies and procedures, health and wellbeing services, Title IX, FERPA information and campus safety.

How can I familiarize myself with CPP?

You can also familiarize yourself with CPP by using our brand new Bronco Resource Hub! It's a one-stop-shop for information that will help connect you to all of the information you need. We encourage you to reach out to us with any questions, concerns or comments using the contact methods listed below. Go Broncos!

Why sign up for the parent and family newsletter?

We know that parents, family members, and supporters play a critical role in the success of our students. Knowing this, we want you to be informed and involved, so please take a moment to sign up for the parent and family newsletter below so that we can keep you up-to-date on important campus developments (archive can be accessed here ).


Welcome, Parents & Families

Bronco Parent and Family Engagement is thrilled you and your student have chosen, or are considering Cal Poly Pomona. We know that parents, family members, and supporters play a critical role in the success of our students.

Stay Informed

Get started with important CPP resources, including Orientation Services, the academic calendar and campus news.

Navigating CPP

Become familiar with campus policies and procedures, health and wellbeing services, Title IX, FERPA information and campus safety.

Be Engaged

Stay informed about special family events and get up-to-date information on volunteer and participation opportunities.

Subscribe to the Bronco Family Newsletter

The Bronco Parent and Family newsletter is the easiest way to stay informed about important university news, updates and ways to support your college student throughout their time at CPP. Simply fill out the sign-up form by clicking below and adding your email to officially subscribe.

Bronco Family Academy

Join live sessions to learn from current and former CPP students, staff and faculty as they share their experiences with a Polytechnic education - the cornerstone of our university.

Other Ways to Reach Us

COVID-19 Notice: Bronco Parent and Family is working remotely at this time and is not available in person. Please reach out through email or the hotline.

What is EFC in Cal Poly?

The EFC is an index number that we use to determine how much financial aid your student would receive if you they were to attend Cal Poly Pomona. The information you and your student report on their FAFSA form or the CA Dream Application is used to calculate their EFC.

When is the deadline for Cal Poly Pomona?

The priority deadline for consideration of California or Cal Poly Pomona Grant aid is March 2 nd.

What is EFC in college?

Parent and student income and assets are used to determine the amount of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) toward college cost. The EFC consists of a Parent Contribution and a Student Contribution toward cost of attendance.

What is the most important investment in your life?

A college education is one of the most important investments of your lifetime. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships does more than connect students with sources of financial aid—we can also help them learn how to use their resources wisely with an eye toward lifelong financial stability.

What age do you have to be to get your education records?

Your student has certain rights regarding their education records when beginning attendance at a post-secondary institution, or upon reaching the age of 18. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) transfers the rights to the student. Limitations are placed on student record information that may be released to third parties ...

When is the deadline to submit GPA to CSAC?

The deadline to submit the GPA to CSAC is March 2 nd each year. Review the following pages for more information on applying for financial aid: How to Apply – F AFSA Applicants.

Does financial aid come in semesters?

Financial aid is offered for an entire academic year; however, student bills are generated by semester. After a student registers for courses, tuition and campus fees are calculated by Student Accounting & Cashiering Services and typically require a full payment by the published due date .

Welcome to the Bronco Family

Family members and supporters play a critical role in student success at Cal Poly Pomona, and we want to make sure you have the information you need to support your student. The Bronco Family Virtual Orientation Experience provides a comprehensive introduction to CPP resources, programs and support services.

Spring 2022

Spring 2022 Orientation will be conducted virtually for the continued health and wellbeing of our Bronco Family.

Bronco Family Virtual Orientation Experience Reservations

Did you know that you can participate in a Bronco Family Virtual Orientation for no additional fee?

What is Kent ISD?

This dashboard is meant to provide parents, educators and the general public with transparency on confirmed COVID-19 cases in our local schools and districts. Numbers will be updated on a weekly basis throughout the school year with data directly from the Kent County Health Department.

When is PowerSchool returning student enrollment?

Returning Student Enrollment. Returning Student Enrollment NOW OPEN through June 4, 2021. Log into your Powerschool Parent Account and click on "Forms" in the left menu making sure to click "Submit" at the bottom of each page.

What is P-EBT in school?

P-EBT provides supplemental food assistance benefits to students who have temporarily lost access to free or reduced-price school meals due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of the program is to make sure no child goes hungry by missing out on school meals.

What is the Michigan Department of Education?

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Michigan Department of Education (MDE) partnered during the 2019-2020 school year to provide these critical benefits to over 900,000 students.
