cps impact parent portal login

by Diana Schmitt 8 min read

What is the new parent portal for Chicago Public Schools?

Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

What is the new Aspen Parent Portal?

The New Aspen Parent Portal Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

Why can't I transfer my Parent Portal account to another system?

Security features, such as login credentials, prevent us from being able to transfer accounts from one system to another. I received an email to create a Parent Portal account in Aspen, are there additional resources that can help me with the setup process? Here is a short video that walks you through the setup process.

What are the system requirements for the parent portal?

The Parent Portal also supports Konqueror on the Linux platform. * Minimum Windows requirements: 486/66-MHx processor; Windows 98; 16 MB RAM; 12 MB of free hard drive space. Mac OS 9 operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.17, Firefox, or Safari; or Mac OS X operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.2 or greater, Firefox, or Safari.


How do you make an Aspen parent portal account?

At the login screen, parents and students can create an Aspen account. Note: Your (or your child's) school manages your Aspen user account....Go to the Aspen login screen.Click Request an account.Select one of the following:Notes: You might not see all three options in the Account Type pop-up.

How do I log into Aspen?

On your mobile device, type your district 's Aspen URL into the address bar of a web browser. The login screen appears. Tip: Create a bookmark or shortcut to Aspen Mobile on your device's Home screen.

How do you post progress grades on Aspen CPS?

0:001:46Posting Grades in Aspen - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipClick on a gradebook. And click on scores. You'll notice that term one grade window is now open allMoreClick on a gradebook. And click on scores. You'll notice that term one grade window is now open all you need to do is be sure that under grade columns you choose post column term.

How do I find my Aspen login ID?

Your student's ID can be found on a report card or contact your school's main office.

How do I get my Aspen password?

To recover your password:On the Log On page, click I forgot my password. The Password Reset pop-up appears.Enter your Login ID and Primary email address.Click Continue. The Password Reset pop-up expands to include the security question you chose when setting up password recovery.Type the response, and click Submit.

How do I make an Aspen account?

1. Use any internet browser and go to the division website, yorkcountyschools.org, or the school's website, and click on the Aspen Family Portal link. 2. Click the “Request an Account” link on the login screen.

What is a 75 percent letter grade?

PercentLetter Grade80 - 82B-77 - 79C+73 - 76C70 - 72C-8 more rows

What is a 70 percent grade?

C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.

How do you change your Aspen grade as a student?

Select the student.Click the Transcripts side-tab.Select the record you want to edit, and change the grade .Click Save.Click the Grades tab, then the Transcripts side-tab.Select the records you changed grade s for.On the Options menu, click Show Selected.On the Options menu, click Update Gradebook s.

What is Aspen URL?

https://ma-bedford.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do. Attendance & Grade Notifications.

What is an Aspen account?

Aspen is a secure, web-based school information management system produced by X2 Development Corporation, a subsidiary of Follett Software Company, for schools and school districts. The system mana. ges all facets of student data – from attendance to conduct, grades and schedules.

What does invalid login mean Aspen?

Invalid login errors usually mean that either the username or password you are trying to log in with are incorrect. This can also happen if the password does not meet password requirements (at least 8 characters, both upper and lower case and at least 1 digit).

How do I post grades on Aspen?

How to Enter and Post Elementary Grades in Aspen Click the Gradebook tab. Choose the class to grade. Click the Scores side-tab. If an option, make sure the view is set to Traditional. Choose Post Columns Term from the Grade Columns drop down menu. Choose the term. Enter Grades in the rubrics column.More items...•

How do I print progress reports in Aspen?

Your screen should show a list of all Current Year transcript records in Aspen. From the Report Menu, select Progress Reports. A Report Input Box will appear, to print for a specific YOG, select YOG from the “Students to Include” drop down box. In the "Search value" box, enter the YOG of the students you wish to print.

How do you add comments on Aspen?

Press CTRL + L to select a comment from a pick list of comments that your district provides. Or, type the code (a number or character) that is tied to a specific comment in the pick list.

How do I check my students grades Aspen?

To access grade information:Log on to Aspen Mobile using your phone or tablet.Tap Grade s. A list of your student's classes appears.Note: If you have more than one Aspen student, you can select their name from the drop-down at the top of the screen. Notes: This list displays classes for the current year and term.