cps school parent portal

by Micheal Cremin 10 min read

What is the new parent portal for Chicago Public Schools?

Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

What are Aspen student and parent portals?

Student and Parent Portals provide access to students’ grades, assignments, and attendance, among other new features, such as the ability to view and pay fees online. Students and their parents/guardians have different credentials for Aspen.

Can I access the parent portal with my CPL card?

Alternatively, you can use your valid Chicago Public Library (CPL) card at any branch to access the Parent Portal. Elementary cumulative cards and high school transcripts are not available on the Parent Portal.

What are the system requirements for the parent portal?

The Parent Portal also supports Konqueror on the Linux platform. * Minimum Windows requirements: 486/66-MHx processor; Windows 98; 16 MB RAM; 12 MB of free hard drive space. Mac OS 9 operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.17, Firefox, or Safari; or Mac OS X operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.2 or greater, Firefox, or Safari.


What is Aspen student information management system?

The Aspen student information management system consolidates information from five data sources into a single system. Student and Parent Portals provide access to students’ grades, assignments, and attendance, among other new features, such as the ability to view and pay fees online.

How much information is in a gradebook?

The amount of information entered into the Gradebook may vary from school to school and teacher to teacher.

Can you get your high school transcripts from your child's school?

Elementary cumulative cards and high school transcripts are not available on the Parent Portal. Please contact your child’s school for transcripts .

Do students have different credentials for Aspen?

Students and their parents/guardians have different credentials for Aspen. These resources will explain how to register for a new account, access and navigate the portal, set notifications, and customize your experience.

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Chad Bass was recently selected to receive the 2019 Missourian Progress in Education award for building relationships and individual learning.

Considering a career in education?

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