cramlington learning village parent portal

by Matteo Kuhn 9 min read

Why choose Cramlington Learning Village?

Welcome to Cramlington Learning Village. We are a school built on respect and committed to creating an environment where individual strengths are nurtured and where every student can thrive and grow. We want our students to develop the skills and knowledge needed to serve our community and have an impact on wider society.

What does ParentMail do at Cramlington?

At Cramlington we use ParentMail to manage payments for school meals and other expenses such as trips. What does ParentMail do? enables payment of school meals and other items such as trips

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

The parental login for our VLE, named the Parent Portal, aims to provide you with relevant information on all aspects of your child’s school life. In addition, the portal contains information and guidance that you might need to help you to support your child at school. You will receive a username and password for each of your children in school.

How do I access the parent module for Genesis?

Click above to access the parent module. We are happy to announce the Parent Module for Genesis, the online student information system, is now available to all parents. This web-based system will enable you to access your student’s grades, attendance, and other important information from any computer with an Internet connection.


I have not received login details

Links have now been sent out to all parents, if you still haven’t received one, you should email so we can check we have the correct email address for you

I have only received a link for one child

ParentMail asks for information on one of your children just to verify you initially. Once you register for one, all of the children attending CLV should be on your account. If they are not all listed once logged in, please email with details of which child is not showing and we will link them to you

I cannot see Dinner Top Up or a trip I want to pay for

To see Dinner Top Up you should click on Accounts once logged in. For other items such as trips or revision guides, you should click on the Payments section. If you think one is missing, please email so we can check why your child has not been assigned to the item

Can I still pay for items via ParentPay?

As we have changed fully to ParentMail, no payment should now be made through the old system ParentPay. These systems are both designed to connect parents to the till system, which has not changed. Therefore, any balance remaining before we changed over, is now shown via the new system, but has not been changed in any way

What is pastoral system?

A highly effective pastoral system that builds relationships necessary for achievement. High quality teaching and support delivered by a dedicated and well-informed staff. Well maintained buildings and resources that enhance learning. A flexible curriculum that meets the needs of all students.

Where is Cramlington Learning Village?

Cramlington Learning Village – Website of Cramlington Learning village, an Academy in the North East of England.

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Anti-Bullying Week 16th – 20th November 2020

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Cramlington Learning Village gains the Wellbeing Award for Schools

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Students collaborate with local dance artist to highlight self esteem issues faced by young people

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