cranberry parent portal

by Leo Olson 9 min read

Into The Bog

Into the Bog is the first of three sections that make up Exploring Cranberries. Throughout this introductory section, students become acquainted with the cranberry, its habitat, its history, and the people involved in cranberry agriculture. Five lessons make up this section.

Adopt A Bog

Adopt a Bog is the second section of the Exploring Cranberries program. Unlike the other two sections which contain individual lessons, Adopt a Bog is one comprehensive, integrated lesson that unfolds over the course of two to three, 45-minute class sessions. Students’ objective is to choose one bog among three to adopt.

Challenges Await You

Now that students have become familiar with the cranberry, its habitat, its history, and its people, they’re ready to face and tackle various challenges cranberries growers typically deal with in Challenges Await You.
