crescenta valley parent portal

by Miss Jazmin Williamson 4 min read

Can I volunteer at Crescenta Valley High School?

CVHS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Please check out several opportunities for parents to get involved and volunteer at Crescenta Valley High School. There are lots of volunteering positions throughout the year. Remember all volunteers must be vaccinated or provide a negative Covid 19 test within 48 hours of volunteering and masks must be worn.

How does Crescenta Valley Water District protect my personal information?

Crescenta Valley Water District is committed to protecting your privacy. Your information is collected and stored by the District's vendor and is used only for applying your payments and displaying your statements online. Crescenta Valley Water District does not store or maintain any personal information that is submitted to this website online.

How do I fill out the CVHS community service form?

From the CVHS home page, find the Students Tab at the top. Next from the drop-down menu, click on Community Service. At the bottom of the page, click on Click here to fill out the Community Service Form.

What is the Crescenta Valley Lions Club scholarship program?

Crescenta Valley Lions Club – has renewed their scholarships for the class of 2022. Award is open to graduating CV seniors with satisfactory academic achievement. Students can be attending either a 2-yr or 4-yr college/university in the fall and must show participation in volunteer service, community service and extra-curricular activities.



CAP AND GOWN INFORMATION: If you still need to order your cap and gown, the Late Order Forms will be available the first week of March through April 15, 2022. Please stop by the AP office and pick one up at that time.


CV AUTOMOTIVE: At CV we have a brand new automotive club where car enthusiasts can come together and talk about cars. We’ll be mostly discussing how a car is put into production ranging from the invention and design to the engineering and manufacturing processes. In addition to that, we’ll also watch popular races and play car trivia games.


INTERESTED IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE: Any student interested in joining the United States Air Force can contact Sergeant Temeka Paschal Vassell, at phone (626) 629-0765, or by email at


COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Verdugo Woodlands Dads’ Club is excited to be back with this annual tradition. And, the pancake breakfast is a fun way for students to volunteer. We need help with setup, bussing, grilling and the like. This event will be held outdoors this year on Saturday, February 19, 2022, from 7:00 am to 12:00 noon.


SENIORS: Here is the link to the CVHS Scholarship Application. CVHS Scholarship Appl 2022 This is a fillable google doc. More information can be found on the CVHS homepage. After completing all questions on the form, download finished application and print.

What is the credit number for CVWD?

Payments made in excess of the balance of the water/wastewater account will show as a credit on the customer’s next bill. Please call CVWD at 818-248-3925 or visit to the office if you make an error.

Does Crescenta Valley Water District have a warranty?

Crescenta Valley Water District does not make any warranties concerning the Online Account Management service including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party proprietary rights unless disclaiming such warranties is prohibited by law.
