crompton house school parent portal

by Filomena Rice 9 min read

What is the Crompton House School Association?

Welcome to Crompton House School from the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. Our aims are to provide a means of exchanging views and information concerning your child’s education and to raise funds for the school to enhance the service the school can provide. We aim to raise over £15,000 a year through a variety of events.

Why choose Crompton House?

Crompton House is an 11 -18 co-educational Church of England comprehensive school. It is school with an inclusive Christian ethos where every student is valued and treated as an individual. We set high standards and expectations and we encourage and support our students to achieve their very best.

What can the Parent Portal do for me?

The Parent Portal is a communication gateway between home and school, allowing parents to access key information about your child such as reports, progress data, vivos, sanctions and attendance. It will also provide you with a calendar of upcoming events which can be filtered to focus on just those of interest to you.


How long does it take to get a password for SchoolPost?

To do this, select “forgot your password?” and enter the email address you have registered with SchoolPost. A password should be sent to you within 10 minutes. If this does not arrive please check your spam folder. Using the password that has been generated, you will now have access to the Parent Portal and can begin to explore the content. Most of the report and progress data can be found in the section headed ‘My Children’ in the top menu.

What is the parent portal for Crompton House?

We are pleased to announce the Crompton House School Parent Portal. The Parent Portal is a communication gateway between home and school, allowing parents to access key information about your child such as reports, progress data, vivos, sanctions and attendance. It will also provide you with a calendar of upcoming events which can be filtered to focus on just those of interest to you. In addition it will provide access to the school VLE where you can view and download curriculum resources. You can also view all SchoolPost communications (email or text messages) between school and home and you can use the Parent Portal to update contact information.

What is Crompton House School?

Thank you for your interest in Crompton House School. Crompton House is an 11 -18 co-educational Church of England comprehensive school. It is school with an inclusive Christian ethos where every student is valued and treated as an individual.

What do parents and carers like about school?

They (pupils) like their teachers and work hard for them. They enjoy the wide range of extra-curricular activities that are available to them and participation is high. Parents and carers are very positive about the school. They feel that leaders ensure that their children are safe and make good progress.

What is a finger scanner?

The scanner is used by pupils to check the balance on their account and when they are taking a meal from the canteen counter or a drink from the vending machine. Should parents have any objections to their child being registered using the finger scanner, please inform school before the Borough Transfer Day.

Can you get a paypoint barcode?

If you do not have access to the internet, we can generate you a Paypoint barcoded letter for any activity , school meals or a trip, which you can then take to any convenience store and supermarket where the Paypoint logo is shown. Each barcoded letter is individual to the student and the payment item to ensure payments are attributed correctly. This can be done by the Finance Office, on

Is Crompton House School cashless?

Crompton House School is a cashless school which allows both parents and school to experience a more streamlined, cost-effective and efficient payment collection system in a secure and safe environment with a full audit trail.

Does Cashless Payment System have fingerprints?

The Cashless Payment System uses a biometric finger scanner. No fingerprint is ever stored in the system. It is not possible to recreate an image of the original scanned fingerprint from the ‘unique number’ that is stored within the database.

Do parents have to have a password for Crompton House?

All parents have a unique username and password, and the finance office can generate a copy of your password letter should you need it. All parents are sent log in details at the start of Year 7. They can also talk you through how to merge your accounts if you have more than one child within school, issue you a direct refund online if needed, and help you with any other queries you may have. Finance can be contacted by email
