crooked oak parent portal

by Bernadette Bechtelar 9 min read

What is happening to Crooked Oak public school?

Crooked Oak Public School (COPS) students, staff, and families are faced with many uncertainties right now in our health climate and may be forced to make difficult decisions to best meet the needs of their families. These are unprecedented times and there are no perfect solutions.

What is crooked oak high school's mascot?

It's no surprise that the school's mascot is a roughneck, the toughest of drilling rig workers, and the students are known as the Ruf-Nex. According to the district's official website at, Crooked Oak is an independent school district serving about 1,200 pre-K through 12th-grade students.

What is Parent Portal?

Parent Portal is parent access to student information. It allows parents to view their student's records in real-time. When a grade or attendance mark has been entered, you'll be able to see it right away.

How do I contact Sage oak if I have a disability?

Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities may contact Sage Oak through the Federal Relay Serviceat (800) 877-8339. Detailed information regarding how to make a relay call can be found, here. Ms. Candice Coffey, Director of Human Resources


Parent Resources

To view more parent resources, quick links, district information, and more, check out all the links for specific how-to information or click on the link to the right to go to the website.

Family Access Login for Parents

Your parent PIN and password provides access to food service information, food service account deposits, parent contact information, student grades, and attendance for all of your children, all in one location. Your login information stays the same each year, so be sure to save your PIN and password in a safe place.

SchoolPay Access

This program is an online payment format for payments like banquet tickets, prom, AP exams and summer school. It gives parents and students an easy way to conveniently make school-related payments online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
