css parent portal

by Aliya Von 4 min read

How do I find Parent Portal access for Columbus schools?

parentportalaccess@columbus.k12.oh.us . through the Columbus City Schools Mobile App. You can download the free Columbus City Schools Mobile App now by searching “Columbus City Schools” in the app store on your mobile device.

What can I do through the parent portal?

Through the Parent Portal, you’ll be able to securely NEW FOR 2019-2020! The most updated contact information for your child is needed for the District and its schools to communicate with your family via phone, text, and email. It’s very important to update your child’s

What are the system requirements for the parent portal?

The Parent Portal also supports Konqueror on the Linux platform. * Minimum Windows requirements: 486/66-MHx processor; Windows 98; 16 MB RAM; 12 MB of free hard drive space. Mac OS 9 operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.17, Firefox, or Safari; or Mac OS X operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.2 or greater, Firefox, or Safari.

Does the parent portal support Konqueror on Linux?

The Parent Portal also supports Konqueror on the Linux platform. * Minimum Windows requirements: 486/66-MHx processor; Windows 98; 16 MB RAM; 12 MB of free hard drive space.


How does Parent Selector work in CSS?

Even if we don’t have a parent selector feature still we can achieve this requirement in 2 ways.


There is no direct way to perform parent selector operation, but we can do it by using either current selector’s specs or selectors Level 3 specs, and also we can do it by using JavaScript.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to CSS Parent Selector. Here we discuss an introduction to CSS Parent Selector, how does it work with respective examples. You can also go through our other related articles to learn more –

Welcome to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Below you will find useful information to access real-time information on your Columbus City Schools student (s), including class schedules, assignments, grades, attendance, and more. The video link below provides a brief overview of the Portal and the Mobile App: https://www.infinitecampus.com/video/infinite-campus-portal-mobile-app

First Time Users

If you have not yet created your portal account, click the button below to activate your account.


Obtain the most up-to-date information at css.edu/safereturn. Find student related info about residential life, guest policies, food services, cleaning schedules and more.

Parent and Family Council

Are you interested in supporting the College through giving of time, talent and/or treasure? Do you want to encourage the greater parent community to do the same, particularly through volunteer opportunities? The Parent and Family Council provides opportunities for families to become more involved.


The College of St. Scholastica Parent and Family Council seeks to advance the interests of the College by fostering mutual support between the College and family members and promoting active family involvement in the life of the College, shaped by the Catholic Benedictine heritage.


The Parent and Family Council, whose membership includes parents, guardians, or parental figures of current students, serves as a voice for family members of St. Scholastica students and supports a diverse and inclusive academic community of excellence.

Services and Support

If you’re concerned about a current student’s health and well-being, we would like to hear from you. Use the reporting form below to notify the College for assistance.

Getting Started

We’ve compiled the list of our most helpful resources to make it easier for you to apply.

Fee Waivers

CSS Profile is free for families who make up to $100,000. See if you qualify.

Divorced or Separated Families

Some colleges may require the CSS Profile from both biological parents. Learn more.

International Applicants

Many colleges provide scholarship aid to international students. Know what to expect.

Our Schools

The Colorado Springs School serves students from prekindergarten through high school. Through superior academics and mentoring, students learn to think independently and meet the challenges of a dynamic world with leadership, ingenuity, problem-solving skills, and personal integrity.

Kodiak Athletics

Kodiak Athletics offers opportunities for personal growth in character, leadership, and improved overall mental and physical fitness for students in grades 4-12. Kodiaks prepare, plan, and play to win, but winning is not our purpose.

What is CSS profile?

The CSS Profile is an online application that students submit to apply for financial aid from colleges and scholarship programs. It’s different from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA ®) that students use to apply for financial aid from the federal government. Your child should submit both the CSS Profile and FAFSA to maximize ...

When is CSS profile submission deadline?

Sometimes they have more than one deadline. It’s a good idea to submit the application as early as possible, beginning October 1, to give your child the best chance at getting the most financial aid.

What is the Dougherty County School System?

The Dougherty County School System is offering the Infinite Campus Parent Portal as a means to enhance communication with parents in accordance with our continuing efforts to promote educational excellence.

Can parents use infinite campus?

Parents will not attempt to destroy or harm any data. Parents will not use Infinite Campus for any illegal activity, including violation of data privacy laws. Anyone violating the laws will be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution. Parents will not access data or any account owned by another parent.

Can parents receive emails regarding student absences?

Parents may also opt to receive emails regarding student absences. Parents need only one account per household regardless of the number of children enrolled in the school system. Please contact your child's school if you have any questions. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Do parents share passwords?

privilege, parents are expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. Parents are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents will NOT share their password with anyone, including their own children. Parents will not attempt to destroy or harm any data.

The New Aspen Parent Portal

Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

Parent Portal Minimum Computer Requirements

Windows operating system*, such as XP or Vista; and Internet Explorer versions 6 or 7 or recent releases of Firefox or Safari.

Video Resources

PLEASE NOTE: The Aspen Parent Portal account creation process has been simplified! The second email has been removed. Once you click "Create my Account," go ahead and log directly on to the Parent Portal.
