csum parent portal

by Jessyca Grady 10 min read

Is CSUMB accepting applications for Fall 2022?

CSUMB is currently accepting applications for Fall 2022. The deadline is Dec. 15. Learn more about application requirements and details. As our university has grown, we have maintained the close-knit campus culture prized by our students and our graduates since the university's founding.

How many degrees does CSUMB offer?

CSUMB offers 25 undergraduate degrees, more than 30 minors, nine graduate degrees, and several teacher certifications. CSUMB has been named a 2021 Equity Champion for Higher Education by the Campaign for College Opportunity.

What do I do if I cannot access csyou portal?

Clear cache and cookies and restart your browser. We apologize for the inconvenience. The system is currently unavailable. If outside the maintenance window, please contact helpdesk@csusm.edu Tuesday nights 9PM - 12AM as needed. Access CSYou Portal and the CSU Common Financial System (CFS) System. Use your network username and password.


What is a maritime leader?

The maritime leader is a “loyal shipmate” who strives for excellence, demonstrates integrity, and is confident, ever-learning, and adaptive. Read More about Leadership Development.

When will Austin Christy graduate from Cal Maritime?

Following in the footsteps of their father, a Cal Maritime alum, brothers Skyler (left) and Austin Christy (right), are MET majors graduating in 2024. Austin is “excited to go on cruise to implement everything I learned in the last school year.”.

Is Cal Maritime a special place?

"Cal Maritime is a special place," said CSU Joseph Castro in a virtual open forum with cadets, faculty, and staff during his daylong visit. "The wonderful value of a small, specialized education really resonated with me today."...

Collegiate Wind Team Works on New Tasks as the Competition Focus Shifts to Offshore Wind

In this uncertain year in these uncertain times, The US Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition organizers have focused this year's competition on the most promising and emerging area of wind energy - offshore wind....

Summer Training Cruise Dates Set

Cal Maritime has set the dates and destinations for its summer training cruise aboard the Training Ship Golden Bear, the highlight of many cadets' experience at the maritime academy....

Campus Events

Peer Health and ASCMA Food Pantry has partnered to provide a Pop Up Food Pantry in Morrow Cove. Come by and grab some F...

Login & Password Information

Use your network username and password. The same one used for campus email or Cougar Courses.


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