ct sewell parent portal

by Uriel Heathcote 8 min read

What is a Sewell compact?

The Sewell Parent-School Learning compact is a document that outlines the commitment between parents, teachers, and students. Your child's teacher will discuss its importance and have one for you at your parent/teacher conference in the fall.

How important is parent engagement in a child's education?

Parent engagement in a child’s education is important to a child’s success and parents are encouraged to meet with their children’s teachers throughout the year . Two main conferences are scheduled in the year (once in the fall and once in the spring), although, of course, your child's teacher will be in frequent contact with you throughout the year as needed. These conferences provide a scheduled opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teacher to share information and make plans related to the child’s education, progress, accomplishments, and needs. Your child's teacher (s) will contact you with a time to meet and it is highly encouraged you attend.

Can you change dismissal procedures without a parent's note?

Students will not be allowed to change their dismissal procedures without a note or phone call from a parent. Parents picking up in front or side parking lots are asked to remain in their cars and display the color-coded (by grade level) carpool card, and your student will be brought to you.

What is a surrogate parent?

Welcome to the Surrogate Parent Program webpage.#N#The Surrogate Parent Program is a federally mandated program (34 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] § 300.519) that provides educational advocacy services for children and youth under the jurisdiction of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) (foster children) or an unaccompanied minor or homeless youth (34 CFR § 300.519 [f]), who need or may need special education.

Can a parent be found after reasonable efforts to locate the parent?

the whereabouts of the parent cannot be discovered after reasonable efforts to locate the parent have been made; such child is a ward of the state; or. such child is an unaccompanied and homeless youth. Federal and State Statutes and Regulations. Program Resources. Forms.

Can a child be identified as a special education child?

a child may require special education, or a child who required special education no longer requires such education but requires or may require services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended from time to time; the parent or guardian of such child cannot be identified;
