cypress elementary school parent portal

by Dr. Lemuel Kassulke MD 4 min read

What is Cypress Elementary School like?

Cypress Elementary School is a community oriented K-5 school located in Newbury Park. Cypress students participate in a standards-based, comprehensive program which meets their individual needs in a positive, child-centered cooperative environment fostered by a dedicated and caring staff, parent involvement, and a supportive community.

Where are the Cypress school district emails sent to?

Every student, Every moment, for Every opportunity Thursday, December 9, 2021, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Recent Google security updates are resulting in emails from the Cypress School District being sent directly to the recipient's SPAM folder.

When is the back-to-school open house for Cypress Elementary?

All Cypress Elementary students and parents are encouraged to attend the school's Back-To-School Open House in order to prepare for the 2021-2022 school year. Osceola public schools will hold in-person Open Houses. Open house for Cypress Elementary will be on August 11th from 4pm to 7pm.

Why choose cypress for your child?

Cypress students participate in a standards-based, comprehensive program which meets their individual needs in a positive, child-centered cooperative environment fostered by a dedicated and caring staff, parent involvement, and a supportive community.


Where is Cypress Elementary School?

Cypress Elementary School is a community oriented K-5 school located in Newbury Park. Cypress students participate in a standards-based, comprehensive program which meets their individual needs in a positive, child-centered cooperative environment fostered by a dedicated and caring staff, parent involvement, and a supportive community. The school-wide goals are developed by the teachers, parents and principal following the State and District Standards. Read more

Is Cypress Elementary accessible?

Cypress Elementary is committed to ensuring that all materials on this web site are accessible to students, staff, and the general public. If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any webpages or documents, please request materials in an alternate format by contacting

Pappa John's Pizza Nifty 50 Fundraiser

With the Nifty 50 card, you’ll receive 50% off your entire order, including beverages, sides, wings and desserts, not just pizza!

ESE Advisory Council Calendar of Events

A parent driven volunteer group to provide recommendations to the School Board and Superintendent on systemic issued relating to ESE

Resource Locator

Easily find important contacts... the school resource locator (SRL) is a “one-stop shop” that allows for more effective communication, outreach and resource provision between schools, departments and community agencies.

Attendance Matters..

Regular student attendance is important for student learning and progress throughout the schools year. Here's how you can help.

Transportation Information

Important transportation and student bus stop information. Transportation Information

Immunization Information

Before attending school in Florida, each child must be immunized. View information on school entry requirements now. Immunization Information

How to Register My Child for School

Need information on registering your child in a Broward County Public School? Get all the details now! How to Register

Cypress School District

We inspire and empower... Every student, Every moment, for Every opportunity

New District Headquarters

Starting Monday, September 13, the district's administrative headquarters will be located at 5816 Corporate Avenue, Cypress

Swain MOTT Relocation Project Update

Work has begun on the project to relocate the district’s Maintenance/Operations, Transportation, and Technology (MOTT) department to the Swain school site.
