d181 parent portal

by Hulda Kerluke 5 min read

How do I enroll my child in D181 preschool?

All students currently in D181 Preschool/ECE and entering Kindergarten through 7th Grade need to complete the District registration and fee payment process to enroll. Log In to Skyward: Sign in to your Skyward Family Access Portal. Only the primary guardian will have access to D181 online registration.

How do I register for D181 online?

Log In to Skyward: Sign in to your Skyward Family Access Portal. Only the primary guardian will have access to D181 online registration. Registration Steps: For step-by-step instructions, click here.

How do I contact D181 departmental staff?

Through collaboration between all D181 departments, our staff supports the important work that goes on in the District’s classrooms. Department leaders work out of the Administration Center and can be reached by calling 630.861.4900. Specific contact information is listed within each department page.

How much will the D181 preschool cost in 2022?

Pending Board approval, the anticipated tuition cost for the D181 Preschool for the 2022-2023 year will be $3,200 for the year. Families who pay in full prior to September 15, 2022 will receive a 10% discount or can pay in two installments. The first would be due on September 1, 2022 and the second due January 1, 2023.


How many members are in the 181 school district?

The Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181 is comprised of seven members elected by the community to fulfill its powers and duties on behalf of the District. Audio / Live Stream.

What is the Department of Learning?

The Department of Learning oversees all curriculum, assessment, instruction, and student services across the District. The department collaborates with staff and families to provide an outstanding educational experience for each child.

How many members are on the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181?

Board of Education. The Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181 is comprised of seven members elected by the community to fulfill its powers and duties on behalf of the District. Audio / Live Stream.

What is the Department of Learning?

The Department of Learning oversees all curriculum, assessment, instruction, and student services across the District. The department collaborates with staff and families to provide an outstanding educational experience for each child.

How much is the D181 tuition?

Tuition. Pending Board approval, the anticipated tuition cost for the D181 Preschool for the 2021-2022 year will be $3,200 for the year. Families who pay in full prior to September 15, 2021 will receive a 10% discount or can pay in two installments.

When will potty training start in 2021?

* For enrollment in 2021-22, children must be three years old by September 1, 2021, potty trained, and have a health exam completed prior to the start of the year.
