d220 parent portal

by Elbert Bernhard 7 min read

We need your input!

D220 is embarking on a strategic planning process called Framework 220. Click to learn more.

BHS musical

Mamma Mia! is playing Feb. 24 - Feb. 27 in the BHS auditorium! Click to purchase your tickets!

Inclement weather

Click here to learn more about what happens in D220 when there is inclement weather.

Is Campus Parent a privilege?

Access to the Campus Parent is a privilege, not a right. The District reserves the right to deny access to anyone and to add or delete functions from Campus Parent at any time. Users of Campus Parent are required to adhere to the following: Users will act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner.

Can you use Parent Portal for illegal activities?

Users will not attempt to access data or any account owned by another user. Users will not use the Parent Portal for any illegal activity , including violation of Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
