d49 org parent portal

by Flavie Fritsch 6 min read

How do I create a student account on D49?

To get started, please click on the link below You may also find the login location by going to D49.org. 1. Click on Create an Account 2. Enter your information and create a username and password of your choosing. 3. Enter your student's first and last name.

How do I create a Parent Portal account?

To create your Parent Portal account, simply follow the steps listed below. To get started, please click on the link below You may also find the login location by going to D49.org. 1. Click on Create an Account 2. Enter your information and create a username and password of your choosing. 3. Enter your student's first and last name. 4.

Why work at D49?

The District 49 workforce is a true example of the old adage, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Employees in a variety of roles are essential and contribute in countless ways to the success of students. D49 Partners with FEF to Honor Outstanding Individuals

Why choose District 49?

District 49 prepares students, in a safe and caring environment, to be successful, competent and productive citizens in a global society. Our teachers, administrators and staff members are committed to the creation of educational environments where all children can maximize their individual learning potential.


Step 3: Complete information requested

Please make sure you use your name as you provided it to the District An example is if you have a hyphenated name like Sue Smith-Baker but you usually only go by Sue Baker the system will require you to use Sue Smith-Baker or it won't allow you to create the account.

Step 3: Complete information requested (Continued)

When you follow the directions from the PS Parent Account Creation Guide D49 (PDF attachment), the second part of the set up instructions explains you can link your student’s account by showing you where to enter the student’s first and last name (must be typed just as you provided to us for registration).

Step 3: Complete information requested

Please make sure you use your name as you provided it to the District An example is if you have a hyphenated name like Sue Smith-Baker but you usually only go by Sue Baker the system will require you to use Sue Smith-Baker or it won't allow you to create the account.

Step 3: Complete information requested (Continued)

When you follow the directions from the PS Parent Account Creation Guide D49 (PDF attachment), the second part of the set up instructions explains you can link your student’s account by showing you where to enter the student’s first and last name (must be typed just as you provided to us for registration).

What is D49 in reading?

In D49 ensuring every learner has a firm foundation in reading is essential. For most that includes learning how to write letters and knowing sight words. For others, it's about mastering a pattern of dots.

What is District 49?

The District 49 workforce is a true example of the old adage, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Employees in a variety of roles are essential and contribute in countless ways to the success of students.

What board saluted the transportation staff with a proclamation?

D49 Board of Education saluted the transportation staff with a proclamation.

What is the mission of Fantastic 49?

Our mission in D49 is to be the “Best Choice to Learn, Work and Lead.” Four staff members and one student were recognized during Fantastic 49 festivities for demonstrating a vital part of that vision, leadership.

What district has the purple star?

School District 49 is honored to announce a new recognition of its robust support of military families, earning the Purple Star designation. more about D49 Earns Purple Star Designation for Support of Military Students and Families.

When is Fantastic 49 2021?

D49 leaders and board members celebrated individuals in the D49 Family during the first Fantastic 49 celebration of the 2021-22 school year, Aug. 12.
