dakota collegiate parent portal

by Julianne Dooley 3 min read

What is the Springfield College Parent Portal?

Welcome to the Springfield College Parent Portal. This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information: Student eBill/Payment Plan, including making an online payment

What is collegiateparent?

Welcome to CollegiateParent! Your one-stop guide to thriving during the high school and college years. Whether your student is just starting the college search, midway through their undergraduate career or approaching graduation, we’re here for you.

What classes do grade 9 students take in Dakota Collegiate?

The following six courses indicate the compulsory courses for Grade 9 students entering Dakota Collegiate: English 10F, Math 10F, Social Studies 10F, Science 10F, Physical Education 10F and Lancer 360. More information and descriptions are available in our online course handbook.

How do I get help with Parent Portal or school messenger?

Parent Portal-School Messenger Help Need help with Parent Portal or School Messenger while schools are closed? please visit the link below. If you have further questions please email them to PSHelp@cvs.k12.mi.us. Parent Portal and SM Help Page.


Course Info for Prospective Grade 9 Students

In February, registration documents will be sent home to all students who attend our catchment schools:

Course Info for Prospective Grade 10-12 Students

This information is to give future grade 10, 11, and 12 students who will be attending Dakota Collegiate next school year some advance information prior to completing their registration for courses. Students and parents are asked to read over this site very carefully in order to learn about courses, programs, procedures, and expectations.

New to the Division

Not from one of our catchment schools above and live in our catchment area? Please email us and we will email you the information on how to register.

PTK Conducts School Supply Drive

Dakota College at Bottineau’s honor society Phi Theta Kappa Chapter of Beta Rho Eta conducted a school supply drive to support a need identified by the Bottineau Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Bottineau PTO shared that often towards the middle of the school year, teachers need frequently used items in the classroom.

Agriculture Management is a Rewarding Career and Technical Education Program

February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. CTE programs are available in higher education allowing graduates to get into the workforce in two years or less.

Accomplished Alumni

Lacey Grade always knew she wanted to be a photographer, but it took a push from her grandmother to set her in the right direction. She got the education she needed for her career through the photography program at Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB), but not before a brief detour.

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Parent Involvement

Parents can play many roles in sport: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may influence an athlete’s involvement and achievement in sport more than coaches. Parents also are the first and most critical agents at socializing sports.


Parents and athletes need to manage their SportsEngine accounts to ensure they get the most out of their Dakota Niners Basketball Club experience during each sporting season.


Keep connected to your team (s). Get schedules and team updates for every athlete in the house, plus a way to message other members on your team and a way to give coaches a heads up about practice. Enjoy unlimited access to scores & stats, photo/video sharing, and more.


In many instances, more than one parent or guardian needs to be in the loop with a child's sports life. Using the mobile app, you can add additional guardians to an account. Guardians can 1) View games and events 2) RSVP to games and events 3) Send and receive messages to coaches and team members 4) participate in team chat


Welcome to the Springfield College Parent Portal. This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information:

Contact Info

Student Accounts Administration Building, 1st Floor Phone: 413-748-3183 Email: StudentAccounts@Springfield.edu
