Des Moines Public Schools uses Infinite Campus as its web-based student information system. The service allows students and parents/guardians to access academic information and other student records. The questions and answers below provide additional information about Infinite Campus.
Select the person icon in the upper right to access Settings and Log Off. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact DCSD IT Support at 303-387-0001. Este tutorial demostrará cómo iniciar sesión y ver la información de los estudiantes y la familia en el Portal para padres de Infinite Campus.
Two communities, one vision, small district feel, big district accomplishments. The Dallas Center-Grimes Community School District is committed to developing positive, productive, and responsible citizens who are independent thinkers, value themselves and others, and have the knowledge, skills, and desire to be lifelong learners.
Is there a mobile app to access Infinite Campus on the go? Yes, Infinite Campus App is available for download for your iPad, iPhone, iPod and Android devices: Launch the Campus App, select Settings, choose “Des Moines Independent” for the district, and “Iowa” for the state.
Log into your parent portal account and select “Household Information” from the index to update your household phone number or address. Select “Family Members” to update contact phone numbers for any members in your household. Select “Contact Preferences” to change the types of messages you receive from your student’s building (s).
Yes, Infinite Campus App is available for download for your iPad, iPhone, iPod and Android devices: