dalton elementary parent portal

by Miss Millie Wintheiser 4 min read

How many students are in Dalton Public Schools?

There are 7,750 students in Dalton Public Schools and more than 1,000 dedicated teachers and staff members. Dalton Public Schools reconfigured its secondary grade levels to best serve all students.

How do I contact the Dalton County PTA?

Call 208-772-5364 or email debra.albrecht@cdaschools.org. Thank you for consideration! After School Academy - Volunteers Needed! The PTA is planning for a mid-year After-School Academy, which will run from Jan. 24-Feb. 4 at Dalton Neighborhood Elementary School.

What is the vision of Dalton elementary?

The Vision of Dalton Elementary is to provide engaging opportunities to learn and grow in an environment that challenges and nurtures all learners to achieve their goals and reach their full potential for personal and professional success.

Is there an after-school academy in Dalton?

The PTA is planning for a mid-year After-School Academy, which will run from Jan. 24-Feb. 4 at Dalton Neighborhood Elementary School. For parents new to Dalton, After School Academy is a short after-school enrichment program sponsored by the PTA and designed to engage kids in a healthy, creative, and/or fun activity.


Sponsor a Monster?

Mr. Harvey's fifth grade art students are currently creating inspiring monsters! They still need their positive quotes but you can see them in progress below. If you would like to host one in your business foyer for a couple of weeks, please let Mr. Harvey know at vharvey@cdaschools.org.

Staff Appreciation Duty Coverage

We would love to spoil our hard-working team during Staff Appreciation Week Feb. 28-Mar. 4. Their favorite treat is having a duty-free week! Would you consider signing up to cover a 15 minute slot or 2? Thank you!!!

Dalton Yearbooks

Yearbooks are on sale right now! We don’t plan to order more than we actually sell. Please DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to order your copy of the 2021-2022 Dalton Yearbook. Please reserve your copy TODAY!

Congrats to these District Spelling Bee Winners from Dalton

4th through 8th grade District Winners will compete at Regionals on Saturday, February 12th.

Regional Hoop Shoot Winner in Da' House!

Dean Perkins won the boys age 10-11 division at the Elks Lodge, which qualified him to move on to the next level competition in Kellogg where he won 1st Place. He is headed to compete in Caldwell on February 26th. Go Dean!

Kids Corps Apps for Spring

One of the joys of my job as Dalton Counselor has been having the opportunity to facilitate the Dalton Kids Corps. It has been great to have Assistant Principal Becky Miller join me this year as a co-facilitator.

Food Drive

The CDA Backpack Program is an amazing nonprofit serving 450 students in our District by sending them home with packs of food each Friday during the school year.

What grades does Dalton Public School have?

The Dalton Public School System offers the following career and technical education programs for all students regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, including those with limited English proficiency or disability in grades 9-12.

When is the Dalton Board of Education meeting?

The Dalton Board of Education will hold the second of two public hearings on the Fiscal Year 2022 budget on Monday, June 14 at 6 :30 pm as part of the regular monthly meeting at the Dalton High School auditorium.

When is the Dalton School Board meeting for FY22?

The Dalton Board of Education will hold the second of two public hearings on the Fiscal Year 2022 budget on Monday, June 14 at 6:30 pm as part of the regular monthly meeting at the Dalton High School auditorium. Read more.

Who is the 2021 Dale Cook support educator of the year?

For her outstanding work in helping the school and the district through the global pandemic, Bliss Jones was named the 2021 Dale Cook Support Educator of the Year in Dalton Public Schools.
