danville north elementary parent portal

by Larry Wyman 6 min read

Helpful Resources

Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows parents/guardians to access, review, and update information for all their students. Infinite Campus offers secure, real-time data. As soon as attendance, grades, etc. are entered at the school, they will be visible to the parent/guardian.

Reporting Student Absences

The attendance line is available 24 hours a day. To report an absence please call 317.745.2610 ext. 1007, or email the office at northoffice@danville.k12.in.us. Please be sure to include the following: your child's name, grade and teacher, date of absence, the reason for the absence, and your name and relationship to the child.

Change of Destination

If you know your child will have a change of destination, please send a note to the teacher, and call the main office at 317.745.2610 or email northoffice@danville.k12.in.us If a change comes up during the day, please notify the office prior to 1:30 pm.

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

MORNING DROP OFF (Kiss and Go): Parents are not allowed to get out of their car. We encourage parents to say goodbyes and get morning hugs before leaving home so that upon arrival at school, the students can hop out of the car and be ready for their day at school. We ask that all parents use the drop off line.

Late Arrival and Early Dismissal

LATE ARRIVAL: Students are to be in their classroom by 7:45 each morning. If you arrive at school at 7:45 or later, we ask that you park in the lot and accompany your child into the building so that you can sign them in tardy.

D118 Superintendent

CLICK HERE to view the Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, February 22, 2022.

Registration Information

Registering Your Student Looking for information about yearly registration at D118 schools?

Parents and Students

Please note that the first step in setting up a Parent Portal account is to retrieve the access account and access password for each student directly from your student's school. You must present identification to do this.

Parent Resources

Please note that the first step in setting up a Parent Portal account is to retrieve the access account and access password for each student directly from your student's school. You must present identification to do this.
