dauntseys parent portal

by Samantha Berge 10 min read

Head Master's Welcome

I hope our website gives you a sense of what it’s like to be at Dauntsey’s and whether your son or daughter would be happy here.

Virtual and Film Tours

Explore Dauntsey's on our 360-degree virtual tour, and through various films. Discover our outstanding facilities amidst glorious surroundings.

Visit Us

Please do get in touch with our Admissions Team who would be delighted to arrange a Group Tour, Individual Visit, or provide details on future Open Days.

The Spirit of Dauntsey's

We hope that our website portrays the warmth, energy and spirit of our community. It should give you a flavour of Dauntsey's and a sense of the pride we have in the achievements of our pupils.

Our Community

Parents and pupils often remark on the warm and welcoming atmosphere at Dauntsey’s; but what is the secret of Dauntsey's positive and distinctive spirit?

Latest News

Lower down the school A-levels and university choices can feel a long way off, but it’s never too early to start thinking about your strengths and weaknesses and what you might like to do when you leave school.


Adventure is an important strand of an education at Dauntsey’s - trying new activities, pushing your boundaries and working together to meet every challenge. The effect can be transformative.


Please detail any wellbeing concerns that Dauntsey's should be made aware of.

Details of Family Connections with Dauntsey's

Please mention here the names of any other members of the family attending the School or registered for entry or any other connection with Dauntsey's​


I/We request that the name of our above-named child be registered as a prospective pupil. I/we confirm that we agree to the £175 non-refundable application fee​. ​​​​​​​

General Enquiries and Reception

For general information, please contact our Switchboard on: 01380 814500 From overseas please dial: +44 1380 814500 Email: info@dauntseys.org Address: Dauntsey's School, West Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 4HE Directions to Dauntsey’s: please click here for directions to the school. Admissions: please visit our Admissions pages for further information about the Admissions process..

Postal Address

Senior Boarding Houses - House Name, High Street, West Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 4HE The Manor - Manor House, Wick Lane, Littleton Panell, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 4EP

Safeguarding Contacts

Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mrs Jackson is the Safeguarding Lead but there are many other people in the school who can be contacted. Please download the poster below for full details.
