de la salle ashfield parent portal

by Ms. Rebecca Bednar III 7 min read

Why De La Salle College Ashfield?

It is a great privilege to be the 22nd principal of De La Salle College Ashfield. Established in 1916 in the tradition of Saint John Baptist De La Salle, the college has a proud 100 year tradition of producing young men of exceptional character.

What is the La Salle parents portal?

The new La Salle Parents Portal provides a number of useful functions which are intended to help and enrich the La Salle experience. Below is most of the information that you will need to log on to and start using the portal. How do I log on to the Parents Portal?

What is de la Salle College?

The De La Salle Brothers led the college until 1972 when the college became the first Catholic High School in Australia to be administered by a lay principal and with a lay staff. Our Vision – To be the best man you can be.

Why choose La Salle High School?

You will graduate from La Salle College High School a well-rounded young man, a Man of Intellect and Accomplishment, Faith and Compassion, Service and Justice, and Integrity and Respect.


What is the La Salle Parents Portal?

The new La Salle Parents Portal provides a number of useful functions which are intended to help and enrich the La Salle experience. Below is most of the information that you will need to log on to and start using the portal.

What is the mission of the Men of La Salle?

The Men of La Salle are all fathers and guardians of La Salle students. Our mission is to provide tuition for students who have lost their primary wage earner. Although it is difficult to believe, we are called upon 6-8 times every year to serve this mission.


To notify us of a student absence please call 276 4319 ext 812 and leave a message on the absentee answer phone, or use the online form here.

Sincere thanks to the Catholic Caring Foundation

Their generous grant to the Service Programme supports our breakfast club and students in need.
