deland high parent portal

by Eliezer Greenholt DVM 3 min read

Creating Your Account

Please read the " Instructions on creating a Parent Portal account " document before creating your Parent Portal account.

Accessing Your Account

After you create your Parent Portal account, you can access it by going to

Student Services

Student Services are available to students from 8:00am - 4:00pm daily.

Florida Seal of Biliteracy

The Florida Seal of Biliteracy identifies students who have attained a certain level of proficiency in at least 2 languages by high school graduation. Its purpose is to recognize students who have learned language (s) in school, as well as those who have acquired language (s) outside of school.

Navigating your Financial Future

Click here for the Florida of Department Education "Navigating your Financial Future".

Selective Service

The Selective Service System and the registration requirement for America’s young men provide our Nation with a structure and a system of guidelines which will provide the most prompt, efficient, and equitable draft possible, if the country should need it.

VCS Career Academy Application - Due: Jan 29, 2021

For more information about the Communications & Engineering Academies, as well at Career and Technical Education programs at DeLand High, you can contact Melissa Lundell at:

Communications Academy

The Communications Academy at DeLand High School will provide students with rigorous, hands on, real world experiences to prepare them for the industry. Students will have a comprehensive overview of communications in which they can then choose a path to continue on throughout their four years of high school.

Engineering Academy

The Engineering Academy is an exciting opportunity for our students to explore the many fields of engineering. The Academy emphasizes math, science, computer, and communication skills, while giving students experience with problem solving, logical sequencing, presentation skills, and organizational skills.
