delaware city schools parent portal

by Richard Anderson 10 min read

Mask Status

Delaware City Schools are REQUIRING masks for all individuals inside of school facilities and on school buses. The district's mask policy will transition to "masks strongly recommended" on March 14, 2022.

Health and Safety Protocols

Find the DCS Health and Safety Protocols for the 2021-2022 School Year and COVID reporting dashboard by Clicking on the Headline.

Kindergarten Registration is Now Open

Kindergarten Registration is now open for 2022-2023. You can find additional information for kindergarten families and begin online registration via our portal by clicking on the headline.

Community Events

Our Delaware community offers a wide variety of quality activities and events for students and families. Visit our Community Page to learn about upcoming opportunities that have been shared with the schools for publication.

What is Dempsey DLC?

Dempsey DLC is an academic-focused program funded by the Ohio Department of Education’s Nita M Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21CCLC). The program serves middle school students and has traditionally operated Monday-Thursday after school at Dempsey Middle School. The focus of the program is on academic support, enrichment, project-based learning, and positive youth development.

Is SACC safe in Delaware City Schools?

Enrolling your child in the School Age Child Care (SACC) programs of Delaware City Schools is easy and convenient using our online Parent Portal and registration system! This innovative cloud-based system is safe, secure and will provide our families with easy access to program registration, account statements, receipts, program alerts, handbooks and more.

Pacer School Age Child Care (SACC)

independence while promoting academic, physical, and social growth in all students.


independence while promoting academic, physical, and social growth in all students.
