delaware parent portal

by Darby Maggio DVM 5 min read

What is parent/guardian secure services?

Parent / Guardian Services Parent/Guardian Secure Services is a web application that allows UD students to share education information with their parents and guardians. Students set parent/guardian access through their UDSIS-Student Center and there indicate what specific components of education information they want to share.

How do I apply for the Delaware Child Care bonus program?

Apply for the Delaware Child Care Bonus Program. Eligible early childhood care and education professionals can upload supporting documentation and apply for their bonus payment. If you need help, contact us at support@welsfoundation.orgor give us a call at (302) 549-4212.

What is Delaware City Schools doing to encourage more online payments?

During COVID, Delaware City Schools will cover transaction fees for families as a safety precaution to encourage more online payments. Canvas is our learning management system, an online extension of the classroom. 10 Tips for Parent Observers HERE.

What is the copyright number for delawareece portal 2021?

3.0.24(529) © Copyright 2021 WELS Systems Foundation Made with for DelawareECE Portal by WELS


What is a parent/guardian secure service?

Parent/Guardian Secure Services is a web application that allows UD students to share education information with their parents and guardians. Students set parent/guardian access through their UDSIS-Student Center and there indicate what specific components of education information they want to share.

What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 grants to students certain rights, privileges, and protections relative to individually identifiable student education records which are maintained by the University. For more information the implications of this Act at UD, visit the Registrar's Office.

Can parents apply for a federal PLUS loan?

Federal PLUS Loans. Parents of dependent undergraduate students may apply for the Federal Direct PLUS Loan to cover educational expenses not covered by other federal, state, institutional, or outside financial aid.


Use the Delaware Department of Education’s school locator tool to find your local school and district.

Health and Safety

Adoption is a great way to build a family. People who choose to adopt children from foster care are very special. They have a strong belief that all children deserve a loving family to call their own. There are dozens of children in Delaware that want nothing more than to become part of a forever family.

Child Care

The Kinship Care Program provides assistance for relative caregivers during the 180-day transition period when a child first moves into the non-parent caregiver's home (relative caregivers are non-parental relatives, such as grandparents or aunts and uncles, who take on the responsibility of caring for a relative child).

Child Abuse or Neglect

The National CASA/GAL Association, together with state and local member programs, supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every child who has experienced abuse or neglect can be safe, have a permanent home, and the opportunity to thrive.


Getting a divorce or an annulment is an important decision. A divorce is the way to legally end your marriage. An annulment is the way to have the Court declare that your marriage never existed. Before you decide to get a divorce or annulment, you may want to meet with a family counselor.

Youth Rehabilitation

The Committee on Dispositional Guidelines for Juveniles ( 10 Del. C. § 1008) is responsible for developing guidelines for use in determining dispositions of juvenile offenders.
