des moines christian school parent portal

by Ova Treutel 7 min read

How do parents of current DMPS students without portal accounts get accounts?

Parents of current DMPS students without portal accounts should contact their student’s school building to have a portal account created for them. As a parent, do I need my own account or can I use my child’s account?

What is Des Moines public schools'Infinite Campus?

Des Moines Public Schools uses Infinite Campus as its web-based student information system. The service allows students and parents/guardians to access academic information and other student records. The questions and answers below provide additional information about Infinite Campus.

How do I access the Student/Parent Portal?

If you are already a student, parent or guardian, and have an Infinite Campus account, you may access the system by simply clicking on the icon to the right or visiting your school’s web site. What information is available to students and parents within the portal? And more… Who has access to the Student/Parent Portal?

How do I get a portal account for my child?

Parents new to the district will receive a portal account after enrolling their student at the Welcome Center. Parents of current DMPS students without portal accounts should contact their student’s school building to have a portal account created for them. As a parent, do I need my own account or can I use my child’s account?


Who can request a parent portal account?

Parent/Guardian who has been designated as having legal rights to their children may request a parent portal account. Each parent / guardian will have their own unique account that can be used to gain access to student records that they have legal rights to.

Do parents have to have their own account?

All parents are strongly encouraged to setup their own account. Only a parent account has the privilege to update household information as well as the ability to view all children in a household from a single place. Parents also have the added benefit of receiving district and school wide announcements.

What is the spiritual commitment of a parent?

Spiritual Commitment. At least one parent or guardian must be a professing believer in Jesus Christ and provide a written Christian testimony. It is preferred that both parents provide written faith testimonies. At least one parent must be in full agreement with and willingly sign the DMC Statement of Faith.

What are the DMC academic and behavior standards?

Academic and Behavior Standards. Students and parents must exhibit behavior, both in and out of school, that is consistent with DMC’s Christian values. Student applicants may be required to take an entrance assessment to determine academic suitability and supplement other data collected.

How is DMC funded?

DMC operations are fully funded through tuition and fees. This allows us to deliver our mission of equipping minds and nurturing hearts to impact the world for Christ, while also focusing on strategic priorities for the future.#N#2021-2022 Early Education - 12 Grade Tuition and Fee Schedule

What is the Holy Spirit's teaching?

Belief in the Holy Spirit as teacher of God's Truth (John 14:17) and as giver of new life in Christ and who unites all believers in Christ (Titus 3:5). Belief that man is the crown of God's creation. God endowed man with His image and gave him the responsibility to rule the earth (Genesis 1:26-27).

Does DMC accept expelled students?

DMC does not accept students expelled from other schools. What we believe.

Who is responsible for the instruction and discipline of their children?

Parents are ultimately responsible for the instruction and discipline of their children. The Christian School is simply an extension of the educational process of the family and the church providing a supportive basis of encouragement to the family and the church (Ephesians 5:22-33;Proverbs 22:6).

Do parents have to sign the DMC statement of faith?

At least one parent must be in full agreement with and willingly sign the DMC Statement of Faith. Student (s) and at least one parent are members of and/or regular attenders at a church in which the Bible is sincerely believed to be the inspired word of God which is the basis for all life and learning.

Parent Informational Meeting

Please Click HERE to view the Parent Informational Meeting for Virtual Campus.

Technology questions or issues

If your student has computer issues or technology problems, please follow the steps outlined on this page or call

Online Family Resource Guide

Please Click HERE to view the DMPS Family Resource Guide. This is a complete guide to many community resources.

Do you have questions about classes?

Please message teachers via email, call (515) 242-8483 or text through Microsoft Teams for a response.

What is CCPS parent portal?

The CCPS Campus Parent Portal allows you to track your child’s academic progress and develop a partnership with your child’s teachers.#N#Infinite Campus is a secure and convenient way to monitor your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Can parents share passwords with their children?

Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents/Guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their child. Parents/Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own child, of another user, of the school district network, or from the Internet through the CCPS Campus Parent Portal.

Can parents access CCPS?

Parents/Guardians will not use the CCPS Campus Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws. Parents/Guardians will not access data or any account owned by another parent/guardian.


What Information Is Available to Students and Parents Within The Portal?

Who Has Access to The Student/Parent Portal?

  • Student’s grades 6th through 12th. Their login information is available at their respective schools they attend (Front office or the site tech lead). Parent/Guardian who has been designated as having legal rights to their children may request a parent portal account. Each parent / guardian will have their ownunique account that can be used to gain ...
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How to Establish A Student/Parent Portal account?

  • Parents new to the district will receive a portal account after enrolling their student at the Welcome Center. Parents of current DMPS students without portal accounts should contact their student’s school building to have a portal account created for them.
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as A Parent, Do I Need My Own Account Or Can I Use My Child’S account?

  • All parents are strongly encouraged to setup their own account. Only a parent account has the privilege to update household information as well as the ability to view all children in a household from a single place. Parents also have the added benefit of receiving district and school wide announcements.
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Is My Information Secure While I View Them Within The Student/Parent Portal?

  • Infinite Campus uses SSL (secure socket layer) encryption technology to ensure data is protected while information is in transit. It is similar to what the banking industry is utilizing.
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How Often Is Information Updated in The Student/Parent Portal?

  • Attendance information will be updated daily. Grades and assignments will be updated as soon as they are graded by your child’s teacher(s).
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How Do I Report Errors Or Request Update to My Information?

  • Log into your parent portal account and select “Household Information” from the index to update your household phone number or address. Select “Family Members” to update contact phone numbers for any members in your household. Select “Contact Preferences” to change the types of messages you receive from your student’s building(s). Otherwise, you may contact your child’s s…
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Is There A Mobile App to Access Infinite Campus on The Go?

  • Yes, Infinite Campus App is available for download for your iPad, iPhone, iPod and Android devices: 1. Launch the Campus App, select Settings, choose “Des Moines Independent” for the district, and “Iowa” for the state. 2. Enter your Campus Portal Username and Password. 3. Select “Log In / Sign In”
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