desoto county schools ms parent portal

by Prof. Carole Zemlak 3 min read

Is the school district of DeSoto County considering new math textbooks?

The School District of DeSoto County is beginning its math textbook adoption process. We invite community stakeholders to view the textbook publishers being considered and offer feedback. Feedback will be accepted until March 25, 2022.

What kind of schools are in DeSoto school district?

Desoto independent school district Home Schools Elementary Schools Cockrell Hill Elementary Frank Moates Elementary The Meadows Elementary Woodridge Elementary Middle School McCowan Middle School West Middle School High School DeSoto High School Early College High School K-12 Schools Alternative Education Program Magnets Specialized Campuses

What information is included in the parent portal?

Full name of each child that is currently attending DeSoto ISD Campus and grade level of each child Birth dateof each child Student ID (5 digit code) of each child (if known) The Parent Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents to become more involved in their child’s education through the convenience of the Internet.


2021-22 Early Release Schedule

Please follow this link to view the early release dates and schedule for the 2021-22 school year.

Quarter 3 Progress Reports Now Posted

Progress Reports for Quarter 3 are now available via Skyward Family Access or Student Access. Click the headline just above for more information. In-school students should also receive a paper copy.

Math Textbook Adoption

The School District of DeSoto County is beginning its math textbook adoption process. We invite community stakeholders to view the textbook publishers being considered and offer feedback. Feedback will be accepted until March 25, 2022. Please visit the Google site for more details.

2021-22 COVID Guiding Practices and Protocols

Please follow this link to view updated information for the 2021-22 school year regarding COVID protocols.

2021-22 Early Release Schedule

Please follow this link to view the early release dates and schedule for the 2021-22 school year.

Quarter 3 Progress Reports Now Posted

Progress Reports for Quarter 3 are now available via Skyward Family Access or Student Access. Click the headline just above for more information. In-school students should also receive a paper copy.

Math Textbook Adoption

The School District of DeSoto County is beginning its math textbook adoption process. We invite community stakeholders to view the textbook publishers being considered and offer feedback. Feedback will be accepted until March 25, 2022. Please visit the Google site for more details.
