dgs parent portal

by Ms. Elisha O'Hara 9 min read

How do I access the Student/Parent Portal?

If you are already a student, parent or guardian, and have an Infinite Campus account, you may access the system by simply clicking on the icon to the right or visiting your school’s web site. What information is available to students and parents within the portal? And more… Who has access to the Student/Parent Portal?

What does the DGS Parent Advisory Board do?

The DGS Parent Advisory Board meets monthly on the third Tuesday of each month with the principal to exchange ideas and hear timely updates on school initiatives.

How do I request homework from the DGS?

Contact the DGS Attendance office to make a homework request. Attendance Office will e-mail all teachers for the student requesting homework. Teachers are encouraged to contact students/parents directly via e-mail with assignments and class materials.


interested Families

Thanks for interest in DGS Southeast, we are so excited to share with you all that makes DGS special. We know that the choice deadline is coming up soon (February 15th) and we want to showcase all the wonderful things about DGS with a tour. We have in-person tours available coming up in the next few weeks.

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If you would like to learn a little more about us, check out this video!

Luminary Learning Network

DGS is proud and excited to be part of the Luminary Learning Network, Denver's first Innovation Zone, which allows DGS more flexibility and autonomy to implement our Mission and Vision to be the best school we can be for our students and families.

Who can request a parent portal account?

Parent/Guardian who has been designated as having legal rights to their children may request a parent portal account. Each parent / guardian will have their own unique account that can be used to gain access to student records that they have legal rights to.

Do parents have to have their own account?

All parents are strongly encouraged to setup their own account. Only a parent account has the privilege to update household information as well as the ability to view all children in a household from a single place. Parents also have the added benefit of receiving district and school wide announcements.
