diamond elementary school parent portal

by Charles Bins 8 min read

School Policies

The following link shares information Diamond's arrival and dismissal plan.

Diamond ES Discipline Plan

Learn about the standards and expectations of behavior for DES students.

Crisis Plan

Diamond Elementary uses a comprehensive crisis plan that is specific to our school, staff, and students. MCPS has established several processes to ensure all schools follow specific safety measures.

Volunteer Information

All Diamond Elementary parents, guardians, and community members who wish to volunteer at Diamond Elementary School by helping in the classroom, media center, grade-level field trips, lunch and/or recess, PTA must complete the two-step volunteer training process which includes the Diamond Elementary Volunteering Training and the MCPS Child Abuse and Neglect Training before volunteering can begin at the school..

Diamond ES Hours

The School Board welcomes your input. Each speaker must complete the form below and submit it to the school board president three days prior to the school board meeting.

From Around DoDEA

January 28, 2022 National School Counseling Week 2022, "School Counseling: Better Together," will be celebrated February 7-11, 2022, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events within the next 5 days. For a complete list of events please see the full calendar. Full Calendar NOTE: Please check your school's calendar for information on additional release days for training, parent teacher conferences, and other activities.

Lakelands Park Incoming 6th Grade Parent Articulation Night

This information is for current fifth grade families with students who will attend Lakelands Park Middle School in Fall 2022.

School Emergency Crisis Procedures

The following is a link to the 2021 Diamond Elementary emergency crisis procedures.

Diamond Elementary Behavior Policy

The following is a link to the 2021 Diamond Elementary behavior policy.

Bus Safety Reminders

The following attachment provides important information concerning bus safety.

Beginning of 2021-22 School Year Information

The following documents will provide information on the beginning of the 2021-22 school year.

How old do you have to be to register for Dodea?

DoDEA Online Registration for Students (DORS) To register to attend a DoDEA School the following age requirements must be met. A child must be : four years old by September 1 to attend pre-kindergarten or Sure Start. five years old by September 1 to enroll in kindergarten. six years old by September 1 to attend first grade.

What is dependent child?

Dependent children of full-time civilian employees of non-DoD Federal agencies (who are residing in government quarters), If the employing agency certifies that they occupy a position that is subject by policy and practice to transfer AND THE EMPLOYING AGENCY AGREES to reimburse the DoD for the educational services provided.

Is DoDEA tuition free?

Tuition-Free. DoDEA Schools in the Contiguous United States (CONUS). Active duty military members, including military reservists and National Guard members activated under Title 10, U.S.C., for 365 days or more residing in permanent living quarters on the military installation.

Can you attend DoDEA school in Guam?

Active duty military members stationed or home-ported in Guam and Puerto Rico, residing in permanent living quarters on or off the military installation, are eligible to attend DoDEA dependents schools in those U.S. territories.

When can parents pick up school records?

With ten days prior notification, parents are welcome to pick up student records from the office on the last day of student attendance, after 2:30 p.m.

Can DoDEA Americas sponsor a student?

Sponsors are required to meet the criteria listed above, regardless of residence. DoDEA Americas is not authorized to enroll students whose sponsor does not meet the eligibility criteria. Note: DoD Contractors are not eligible to attend DoDEA Americas Schools.
