diocese of trenton parent portal

by Stacy Vandervort 5 min read

How does the Diocese of Trenton handle allegations of sexual abuse?

Please note: The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also encouraged to provide that information to local law enforcement authorities.

What is the Parent Connect site?

Through Every Day Matters – and the new online Parent Connect site – you can find what you need to help keep students on track and in school. Parent Connect helps moms, dads, and guardians be full partners in their children’s education. Parent Connect also is a way for families to find school and community resources.

How do I add an additional parent to the parent portal?

Every parent has access to the Parent Portal via the email the school has on file for the primary contact (usually the mother). If you have a two household family, please contact Karen Meagher at kmeagher@st-ann-school.org to add an additional contact.

What is a district Parent Coordinator and parent liaison?

The District Parent Coordinator and Parent Liaisons work together as a team to connect families to school and community services and resources. A Parent Liaison is a school support staff that connects parents to resources needed between home and school to further students’ academic and social success.


What is parent connect?

Parent Connect helps moms, dads, and guardians be full partners in their children’s education. Parent Connect also is a way for families to find school and community resources. It’s a source of useful tips and guides. YouTube.

What is a parent liaison?

A Parent Liaison is a school support staff that connects parents to resources needed between home and school to further students’ academic and social success. This position plays a vital role to promote parental involvement .

What is the Columbus School Parent Corner?

The Columbus School Parent Corner is a direct link for families to receive updates, notifications and resources from Mr. Lorenzo Gonzalez, the Parent Liaison. Click on bitmoji image to go directly to the Columbus Parent Corner Site.

What is attendance works?

Attendance Works champions local, state and federal policies that promote taking daily attendance and using multiple measures, including chronic absence, to trigger support for students and families, and to inform program and policy decisions.

Is TPS a community school?

TPS is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision under the National School Lunch Program. However, to determine eligibility for your child (ren) to receive additional benefits you will need to complete a household and income form


A variety of assessments may be used to evaluate each child’s progress, e.g. tests, cooperative learning experiences, portfolios.

Progress Reports

Progress reports are issued about four weeks ahead of report cards. They are a means to report how your child is progressing or to have a “warning” to both student and parents that there is a possibility of a failure on the report card for a particular subject.

Report Cards

Report cards are issued on a trimester basis and reflect a student’s class participation, home study, test averages as well as credit for projects done within an eight week period. No child will fail who is doing his/her best work.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

There are times scheduled throughout the year for conferences to discuss your child’s progress and have questions answered. You are also encouraged to call the office at any time to set up an appointment with the teacher should a problem arise.

Genesis Parent Portal

St. Joan of Arc School, as well as all schools in the Diocese of Trenton, utilizes the Genesis Grade Reporting System. A Parent Portal is part of this web-based program for children in Grades 3 to 8, to which you now have access. The link below will take you to the Parent Portal.
