dist 300 parent portal

by Mr. Arlo Ratke DDS 8 min read

How do I Register my child in District 300?

All new District 300 families must register their new student through our online registration application. In order to successfully begin the registration process, it is recommended that parents and legal guardians of new students contact their child's school registrar .

How do I obtain information about my D300 student?

Welcome to the D300 Parents Page! To obtain information about your student, school, or the district in Spanish, please contact the Grants Management and Federal Programs Department at 847-551-8495. Click here for Student Fees & Free/Reduced Lunch Applications.

What is the campus Parent Portal?

Campus Parent Portal is a confidential and secure website where parents and guardians can access important information about their child's academic progress. Access Campus Parent Portal by clicking here. Activate Your Campus Portal Account by clicking here.


How to register for District 300?

All new District 300 families must register their new student through our online registration application. In order to successfully begin the registration process, it is recommended that parents and legal guardians of new students contact their school’s Registrar. If you are new to the area and would like to know what school your child will attend, please email OLR@d300.org.

How to register for 2021-2022 school year?

Individuals who need to register for the 2021-2022 school year should contact their school's main office. Schools will then provide parents with a link to complete Online Registration.

How far away from school can you get transportation?

Students residing more than 1.5 miles from their school or students with transportation accommodations in their IEP are eligible for transportation service.

What to do if your child is transferring from another school district?

If your student is transferring from another school district, please call your child’s new school. If you would like to know what school your child will attend, please email OLR@d300.org.

How to track a child's bus?

Parents are now able to track the location of their child’s bus by using the Durham Bus Tracker. Download the free app at m.durhambustracker.com.

What is registration fee?

A registration fee, established annually by the Board of Education, is required for all students. These funds help defray the costs of paper, art supplies, and workbooks that the student uses during the course of the school year. In addition, individual schools distribute school supply lists, and parents are requested to provide the items according to their child's grade level. Students whose families meet the federal income guidelines for free and reduced lunch are eligible for fee waivers.
