We believe literacy is the foundation of the educational experience. Our commitment to high-quality literacy instruction is rooted in responsive teaching practices.
Cultural responsiveness is for every student, every day. We focus on validating and affirming home cultures and languages in order to build and bridge school relationships and expectations.
Diversity is one of our strongest assets. With 84 languages spoken by District 15 families and students, our district is home to the 13th largest second language program in the State of Illinois.
Since 1946, District 15’s Board of Education has made a commitment to serving the community. Meet the seven elected members of the current Board of Education.
District 15’s reputation for exceptional special education programs is deeply rooted in our history. From adaptive music instruction to occupational and physical therapy, we have a robust student services department.
"District 15 is a wonderfully diverse, child-centered community, committed to excellence for all children."
All D15 schools’ front offices (EXCEPT VIRGINIA LAKE, which will be open Tuesday, June 22) will be open until 7 p.m. on Monday, June 14, for anyone needing assistance to register their child online or prove residency*. (*If you have a student that is new to the district, starting Kindergarten, or entering 4th or 7th grade, you are required to prove residency in District 15. Our residency webpage outlines the documents needed to prove residency.) Bilingual personnel will be available for assistance.
This testing will be completed in May/June. More information will be provided by your home school.
Marquardt School District 15 is pleased to provide the capability for parents/guardians to access their student (s) grades through PowerSchool Parent Portal. This is a secure, view-only connection.
El Distrito Escolar 15 de Marquardt se complace en brindar la capacidad para que los padres / tutores accedan a las calificaciones de sus estudiantes a través del Portal para padres de PowerSchool. Esta es una conexión segura de solo lectura.