district 211 parent portal

by Cornell Kohler 5 min read

Where can I find more information about Township High School District 211?

Go to the D211 Post, District 211's news website, for more news about Township High School District 211.

How do I contact the District 211 helpdesk?

Note: if you receive an email to call the District 211 helpdesk at 847-755-6735, you may also contact your student’s school at the numbers above. Tome Nota: si usted recibe un correo electronico de llamar al servicio de ayuda del Distrito 211 al 847-755-6735, usted tambien puede contactar a la escuela de su estudiante en los numeros de arriba.

What did students do during summer school in District 211?

Students across District 211 returned for the first of two three-week summer school sessions June 8. Engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab discusses robotics and work on rover. Conant Art Club paints mural to improve the appearance of an empty store front.

What is 211 San Diego?

211 211 San Diego is a free, 24 hour confidential phone service and searchable online database in connection with: Search our site Call 2-1-1 2-1-1 Call Me Click To Chat Community Information Exchange (CIE) News Privacy Practices Disclosures Brand Guidelines Careers


Students Return for Summer School

Students across District 211 returned for the first of two three-week summer school sessions June 8.


Engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab discusses robotics and work on rover.

Conant Art Club Beautifies Empty Business

Conant Art Club paints mural to improve the appearance of an empty store front.


D211 speech team coaches worked together with the IHSA to create an online tournament experience.


Steen Metz spoke with PHS students via Zoom regarding his story as a child during the Holocaust.

What is District 211?

Know that District 211 social workers, psychologists, and guidance counselors are available to speak with you or your son or daughter. Amid the unique challenges of these times, it is important that everyone remain vigilant about the social-emotional health and well-being of students. If you have any concerns about your son or daughter, staff members are ready and available to assist.

What is the phone number for District 211?

847-755-6761. Supports Available. Know that District 211 social workers, psychologists, and guidance counselors are available to speak with you or your son or daughter. Amid the unique challenges of these times, it is important that everyone remain vigilant about the social-emotional health and well-being of students.
