district 212 parent portal

by Kirsten Rempel 3 min read

How does the Sunnyside district empower families?

Empowering Parents Through Information Families play a vital role in the education of their children. The Sunnyside District works with parents and families to ensure they have the tools needed to be equal partners in supporting student achievement and school improvement.

How do I contact the District 211 helpdesk?

Note: if you receive an email to call the District 211 helpdesk at 847-755-6735, you may also contact your student’s school at the numbers above. Tome Nota: si usted recibe un correo electronico de llamar al servicio de ayuda del Distrito 211 al 847-755-6735, usted tambien puede contactar a la escuela de su estudiante en los numeros de arriba.

Where is Leyden High School District 212 located?

View Website Leyden High School District 212 3400 Rose Street Franklin Park, IL 60131 (847) 451-3000 Visit Website. View Website East Leyden High School 3400 Rose Street Franklin Park, IL 60131 (847) 451-3000 (847) 451-3035 Visit Website.

How do I access parentsqaure?

There are several ways to access ParentSqaure. You can access through a mobile device through the Aeries App or ParentSquare App or using your computer using the Parent Portal by clicking “Aeries Communications” or using the ParentSquare website if you setup an account from the invitation email.


How to access Parentsquare?

You can access through a mobile device through the Aeries App or ParentSquare App or using your computer using the Parent Portal by clicking “Aeries Communications” or using the ParentSquare website if you setup an account from the invitation email.

How many modality options does Parentsquare have?

With providing your phone and or email, you can further choose how you want to be notified in those areas. ParentSquare allows you to set each modality as 1 of 3 options: Instant/Digest/Off.

New Board Members Sworn In

On January 5, Blue Ash Mayor Marc Sirkin presided over the swearing in of our newly-elected Sycamore Board of Education members Mrs. Sara Bitter and Dr. Lynne Stieger and re-elected member Mr. Paul Balent at the organizational meeting held at Maple Dale Elementary. Mrs. Melissa Weiss and Mr.

Preschool Applications Being Accepted Through February 11

Applications are now being accepted for Sycamore Community Schools' preschool program. We serve children ages 3 to 5 with a wide range of abilities. Classes are inclusive and comprised of children who are developing typically and children identified with special needs.

Treasurer's Update on Property Taxes

At the Sycamore Board of Education organizational meeting, District Treasurer Beth Weber gave an update on 2022 tax rates and district property valuation. For the vast majority of residents, property tax values stayed the same this year since no county-wide appraisal was conducted.

Building Our Future

Our construction crews continue to make great progress at Sycamore Junior High and E.H. Greene Intermediate Schools. It is exciting to see walls go up and classroom and learning spaces taking shape! To learn more about the Master Facility Plan, click here.

Main gymnasium

Through grant funding, Sycamore has partnered with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to launch a mental wellness program in our schools called Adapt for Life. To provide more information about the Adapt for Life program, the district is offering a Virtual Parent Information Night on February 8, 2022 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Healthy Aves Reminders

Due to an increase in COVID cases, and the evidence of in-school spread at the junior high and high school, Sycamore Community School District will require masks for staff and students in all school buildings PK-12. The mask mandate starts on Monday, January 10, 2022, and runs through Friday, January 21, 2022. Learn more...
