district 214 parent portal

by Constance Lowe 10 min read

What is District 214?

District 214 is one of 44 organizations and the only school district to receive a grant. We are honored to be recognized by the state as a leading partner in this initiative. SpongeBob and his friends spring from the television to District 214’s summer musical on the Prospect High School stage.

Does District 214 offer summer internships for high school students?

District 214 seeks hosts for internships! District 214's Center for Career Discovery is looking for industry partners to host high school students for summer internships in June and July. Click here for more information.

What is District 214 doing to boost workforce development?

District 214 is proud to be the recipient of a grant from the State of Illinois to boost workforce development programs. The grant will be used to expand our Youth Apprenticeship Program to continue to provide authentic work experiences for students. District 214 is one of 44 organizations and the only school district to receive a grant.

When is the High School District 214 lighthouse show?

The show runs June 29 through July 2 at 7 p.m. Click here to purchase tickets! The School Superintendents Association, AASA, recognized High School District 214 as one of its “Lighthouse” systems that serves as models of positive change in public education.


What is de-tracking and why does it matter to me? Some information for new parents

The following information is lengthy because it’s my attempt to share with parents the full extent of what I know. What is “tracking”? If you have a child in middle school, he or she may have been placed in a “track” for math class – algebra, geometry, or general math, for example.

Test Scores, Achievement Gaps, and District FOIA Policy: Concerning New Information

This article addresses three related areas of concern: the drop in test scores across the district, the wide achievement gaps across demographic groups, and the district’s policy that keeps more information inaccessible.

New FOIA data: Fights in schools have exploded in District schools

On December 19, 2021, the Chicago Tribune reported on violent student behavior in schools, and quoted, among others, Assistant Superintendent Marni Johnson: At Arlington Heights-based Township High School District 214, officials have seen “an uptick in disruptive behavior and fighting” since the start of the new school year, said Marni Johnson, an assistant superintendent for… Continue reading New FOIA data: Fights in schools have exploded in District schools.

Bought and Paid For: an update on campaign finances

This is a speech prepared for the July 29 board meeting. It’s July, and that means the final campaign funding reports have now been filed with the State Board of Elections. I’ve done the analysis and posted the information at the website d214parents.com. Here’s what I learned.

Alert: De-tracking is Underway at D214

from https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=23010&picture=train-tracks-junction, public domain.

Why livestreaming matters – and how to make it happen

TL;DR: We URGENTLY need parents to commit to attending the April 29 board meeting and speak in favor of livestreaming board meetings. Here’s why: In order to increase transparency, accountability, and parent/community involvement, the school board should begin to livestream its meetings, and upload the recordings onto its website afterwards.

What district is 214?

High School District 214 has partnered with 1st Agency to provide parent/guardians with the opportunity to purchase low cost student accident insurance for their children while at school, during football/athletics or around-the-clock protection.

When is the 214 high school registration?

Please plan to allow at least 30 minutes to complete the registration. Online Fall Registration will begin Monday, June 7, 2021, 8:00 a.m. CST.

What is a 214 district?

Teen fathers are encouraged to participate in the program. District 214 students that choose to remain in their home school are encouraged to attend a social-emotional/parenting support group which meets for one period each week at the home schools within the district.

What is the purpose of District 214?

One of the goals is to encourage completion of high school and provide resources toward a post high school career. The prenatal and parenting classes provide social-emotional groups, parenting workshops and individual counseling. Teen fathers are encouraged to participate in the program. District 214 students that choose to remain in their home ...

What is a teen parent coordinator?

The Teen Parenting Coordinator will do an on-site assessment to determine the needs of each individual student. Every effort will be made to provide an assessment within one week of the request. The Teen Parenting Coordinator welcomes the student’s parent or guardian involvement.

What is a prenatal class?

The prenatal class is designed to provide the pregnant teens with facts and information regarding a healthy pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum experience.

What is a teen parenting program?

The Teen Parenting Program at District 214 provides the student with facts, information, and resources concerning pregnancy, labor and delivery, and parenting. A teenage pregnancy can be difficult and District 214 understands the seriousness and sensitivity of the situation. There is a team in place to support pregnant ...

What district is Vanguard School in?

District 214 teens who are pregnant or have delivered and are parenting their baby, may be eligible to attend Vanguard School and participate in Prenatal and Parenting Classes along with continuing the student’s high school curriculum. Additional requirements for admission are evaluated individually.
