dma parent portal

by Brandy Dach III 4 min read

What is option a in Windows DMA parent option guide?

Windows OS DMA Parent Option Guide – Option A 18 | P a g e Chapter 4: Option A Functions In short, Option A gives the following flexibility: ● Ability to customise and activate additional web content filtering ● Flexibility to change sleep hours timing Unit 4-1 – Managing Web Content

How does our portal work with DMA?

Our portal, which is powered by NextMD, helps you maintain an on-going healthcare relationship with DMA. The portal operates by a password protected log-in that you receive upon registering for the service.

How do I access the Student/Parent Portal?

If you are already a student, parent or guardian, and have an Infinite Campus account, you may access the system by simply clicking on the icon to the right or visiting your school’s web site. What information is available to students and parents within the portal? And more… Who has access to the Student/Parent Portal?

How to view device logs in Windows OS DMA parent option guide?

Windows OS DMA Parent Option Guide – Option A 16 | P a g e Unit 3-6 – Logs The Logs can be found in the side menu under “Insights”. You would be able to view your child’s/ward’s device and browser usage history through Logs. Step 1: lick ‘Web Analytics’. Then, click ‘Web Analytics’. Finally, click ‘Logs’ Step 2:


National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)

The National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP) was launched in March 2020 to make digital learning inclusive by equipping students with the digital literacies to be future-ready.

Our School's Microsite

To find out more of the NDLP at Dunman Secondary School, please click here to visit our school's NDLP Microsite.

Device Management Application (DMA)

Personal Learning Device (PLD) usage time is set to 6 am to 11 pm and school hours is from 6 am to 6 pm. The school determine the applications (apps) and programmes to be installed in the PLD to support teaching and learning.

DMA Parent Portal

P arent Portal is available for parents on After-School DMA Parent Default Settings/ Option A.

What is Divine Mercy Academy?

The mission of Divine Mercy Academy is to provide an academically excellent Catholic education, and to instill within our students the virtues of mercy and compassion, forming them as true disciples of Jesus Christ.

What are the activities that parents and guardians can do to help the school?

These activities include fundraising and volunteer service activities. Participation in fundraising events and volunteer service fosters a sense ...

Who can request a parent portal account?

Parent/Guardian who has been designated as having legal rights to their children may request a parent portal account. Each parent / guardian will have their own unique account that can be used to gain access to student records that they have legal rights to.

Do parents have to have their own account?

All parents are strongly encouraged to setup their own account. Only a parent account has the privilege to update household information as well as the ability to view all children in a household from a single place. Parents also have the added benefit of receiving district and school wide announcements.
